A Heart After God
Bible Teaching Ministry

Weekly Radio Programs:

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 “Declare His Glory Among the Nations.”

Psalms 96:3

“May I invite you to read the Word of God with a heart to stand in awe of the One who inspired what you're reading?”

Pastor Brad


Radio Listener Testimony! “Forgiveness. We can try the God of Pst Brad on the Radio.”

3 Radio Series Airing in Africa:

Via FM and Shortwave

Word Academy received donations for school desks, chairs, benches, tables and storage bins to be built!

To take you deeper into the Word God. Including video clips, quotes and more from Pastor Brad Abley

Pastor Brad Abley: Biblical Educator and Religious Broadcaster.

Supporting the Ministry of Indigenous Pastors in their Local Churches and Communities:

  • In-Country Ministry: 2-3 times yearly

  • Gospel Radio Broadcasts: 14 millions listeners weekly

    + About Pastor Brad Abley