
Celebrating 11 Years
of Ministry in Africa!!
A Heart After God Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa and Beyond!
Pastor Brad Abley’s desire is to stir within the radio listener or congregation member a greater Heart After God! A ministry to take you deeper into the Word of God!
Supporting the Ministry of Indigenous Pastors in their local churches and communities!
Africa: In-Country Ministry: 2-3 times a year.
Africa: 6-Weekly Radio Ministry: 15 million+ listeners weekly
USA: Local Ministry and Discipleship
For Africa Ministry Stories and
Radio Listener Stories, click here!
“Only one life twill soon be past; Only what’s done for Christ will last!”
Poem by CT Stud
Pastor Brad is a Biblical Educator & Religious Broadcaster
Mentoring people in the Word of God in Africa and beyond!
Bible Teacher
Bible Expositor
Adjunct Professor
Discipleship: Pastors and Church Leaders
USA local Ministry
Missions: Africa In-Country Missions
Missions: International Religious Radio Broadcaster Via FM Radio. Uganda and Kenya
Missions: Shortwave Radio Broadcaster in Africa
Isaiah 6:8
“Here I am, send me!”
“Pastor Brad makes his living by the gospel through the financial and prayer partnership of others!”
Reaching Africa and Beyond via Radio!
(Click on these links to learn more)
105.9 KBS FM Radio (10 million listeners weekly!)
Radio Mikayi 103.8 FM Radio (2 million listeners weekly)
Short Wave Radio - 3 weekly broadcasts
Voice of Hope Africa (3 million listeners weekly)
Pastor Brad’s radio programs are broadcasted 20 times per month!
The Local Community:
Pastor Brad also enjoys ministering in Suffolk, Virginia, his local church and local community. Elder, Teaching, Preaching & Equipping opportunities via Video, Audio, Radio, Blogs, Facebook, Podcasts, Vanguard Bible Institute, Home Groups and as a Guest Preacher at local churches. He is a Pastor’s - Pastor!
Pastor Brad is the author of five books with the theme of, “A Heart after God!”
Devotional: Why David was a Man after God’s own Heart
Devotional: Understanding the Father Heart of God in the Psalms
Devotional Volume II: Knowing God in a Deeper Way through Key Hebrew & Greek Words
Devotional Volume I: Knowing God in a Deeper Way through Key Hebrew & Greek Words
1 Thessalonians: A Church with a Powerful Legacy for Today’s Christian
Revelation, Part 1: Chapters 1-7: The Grace of God & the Victorious Believer in Jesus Christ
Pastor Brad has a Master of Divinity from Regent University and a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from San Jose State University. He’s pastored five churches and taught as an Adjunct Professor in Biblical Studies and Church History for two Bible institutes and two Christian universities. Currently an Adjunct Professor at Vanguard Bible Institute. He serves as a Teaching Elder at that church he attends.
Pastor Brad has been married to his wife, Maureen since 1983. They enjoy doing ministry and life together in everything! They are partners in this ministry. Maureen handles the Operations: - Finance / Marketing / Social Media / Partner Correspondence and so much more!
“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa &Beyond!”

Israel - Caesarea: Above Paul's Prision

A Heart After God Bible Teaching Ministry ~ BradAbley.com/About

California - Early marriage!

California - Wedding day, 1983!

California - Abley's Send Off party, 2017

Virginia - Regent University year 1988

Washington DC - Museum of the Bible
Israel - Teaching on location

Israel - Southern Steps of the Temple Mount
Israel - Teaching on the Southern Steps of temple

Israel - Judean Wilderness

Israel - Teaching on water baptism at Jordan river

Israel - Teaching on water baptism at Jordan river

Israel - Jordan River water baptism

Israel - Jerusalem with the IDF soldiers

Jordan - Overlooking the Promised Land, Mt Nebo

Israel - Teaching on location
Israel - Outside the Garden Tomb

Israel - In the Garden Tomb
Israel - At Western Wall
Israel - At Western Wall

Virginia - Exploring history

Virginia - Exploring history

North Carolina - Billy Graham Library

Africa - Voice of Hope-Africa Radio

Virginia - Our first snow!

Commentary on 1 Thessalonians

Devotional: Key Greek & Hebrew Words

Commentary on Revelation

Devotional Volume II Key Hebrew & Greek

Uganda - Brad & Pastor Joseph

Virginia - Riverbend Ch Missions Event

Uganda - Teaching at Pastor's Conference

Virginia - Preaching at Riverbend Church

Uganda - Evangelism @ Kamuli Jr. College

Israel - Teaching on location

Eastern Africa: Uganda and Kenya

Virginia - Instructor at Vanguard Bible Institute

Merry Christmas!

Now broadcasting in North/South America! bradabley.com/blog

Devotions Using Key Hebrew & Greek Words https://bradabley.com/books

Radio Ministry donate now! bradabley.com/blog

Radio Ministry Donate now! bradabley.com/blog

Donated Today!

Website Blog Page

FM Radio Prayer Moments - Blog Post

Preaching at a local church, Virginia

Radio Mikayi 103.8 FM - Kenya

Ebenezer Children's Home - Kenya

Ebenezer Children's Home - Kenya

Ebenezer Children's Home - Kenya

Riverbend Church Missions Conference

Riverbend Church Missions Conference

Riverbend Church Missions Conference

Riverbend Church Missions Conference

Riverbend Church Missions Conference

Riverbend Church Missions Conference

Riverbend Church Missions Conference

Pastor Brad Abley

Riverbend Church Missions Conference

Pst Brad at Regent University

Kenya Missions

Kenya Missions

Kenya Missions

Pastor Brad - the Garden Tomb, Israel

Pastor Brad and Maureen

Recording for Kenya Radio

Pastor Brad and Maureen

Kenya Radio Team

Radio Makiya - Kenya