KBS 105.9 FM Radio:

Kamuli, Uganda

Pastor Brad Abley is “On-Air” every Friday night

Via KBS 105.9 FM Radio!

Kamuli, Uganda

Uganda: New Radio Series.

2 Timothy: “How shall we live?”

- Listen via MP3 to Pst Brad’s Weekly Radio Program

Meet the Uganda Radio Team

Pst Brad and Radio Pst Joseph!

Returned to Radio in Uganda

KBS Radio 105.9 FM - Kamuli UG

Uganda Radio Report: Muslims Accepting Christ

Message: What is True Salvation?

KBS 105.9 FM Radio: Kamuli, Uganda

“Radio remains the best way to reach Africa with the Gospel!

Reaching Kamuli, Uganda for Christ via RADIO!

A Heart After God Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa & Beyond!”