A Sincere Word of Gratitude To My Friends and Partners

Dear friends and ministry partners,

Thank you so much for enabling me to do all I do in Uganda, Kenya, and every Sunday morning on Voice of Hope Africa radio.

This passage from Rom. 10:14-15 is what has been on my heart concerning you for about the past two weeks; you’re DOING this by partnering with me:

“How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher? 15 How will they preach unless they are sent? Just as it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things!”

I thought you might appreciate some feedback I’ve received recently about the ministry in Uganda and in Kenya. First, the two pictures below are of a little boy named after me.

His mother has heard me preach several times in Kenya, and she decided to name her boy “Brad Israel” with the desire that he become “an evangelist” like me! 

This now makes three little boys named in my namesake, in Siaya, Kenya! The first two were named after me because I prayed for their mother’s during their difficult pregnancies!

The next picture is of children from Bright Hope Open orphanage in Kamuli, Uganda; these guys asked the leadership to plant a tree in my honor for the work I’ve been doing for the orphans and the orphanage/school.

It turns out that the little boy in the red shirt in the foreground told the leader of the orphanage — Pastor Joseph — that when he grows up he wants to be a preacher like me.

What a joy to be able to partner with you and with our Lord to bear fruit for Him — both now and throughout eternity!

So, thank you! How I wish I could get on the plane today to return there; there is so much more to be done! Had it not been for Covid, I would have gone back there just a few weeks ago.

May the Lord open doors soon for me to return to these people I so love.

With much gratitude to you all,


A Heart After God Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa & Beyond!


An Interview: “Biblical reliability, Bible translations, and Biblical literacy”


How has the Bible Impacted You?