Poem: “Only one Life…” by Author C.T. Studd

Pastor Brad Abley: Biblical Educator and Religious Broadcaster

Pastor’s Corner

A very poignant Christian Poem by author: C.T. Studd.

“Only One Life”

  • Pastor Brad writes:

“For us as Christians, I find this poem very poignant and moving! This poem should strike a cord in our hearts to take inventory as to how we “Live our Lives as Christians!” Let us find our examples from the Bible!”

  • Romans 12:1

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.”

Poem: “Only One Life!”

By Author C.T. Studd

“It matters so little how much you may own
The places you’ve been or the people you’ve known
For it all comes to nothing when place at His feet
It’s nothing for Jesus, just memories to keep

You may take all the treasures from far away land
And take all the riches you can hold in your hand
And take all the pleasures your money can buy
But what will you have when it’s your time to die

Only one life so soon it will pass
Only what’s done for Christ will last
Only one chance to do His will
So give to Jesus all your days,
it’s the only life that pays
When you recall you have but one life

The days pass so swiftly, the months come and go
The years melt away like a new fallen snow
Spring turns to summer, and summer to fall
Autumn brings winter, and death comes to call”

  • About the Author:

“Charles Thomas Studd, better known as C. T. Studd, was a British missionary. He was born on December 2, 1860, in Spratton, United Kingdom, into a family of wealth and privilege. In 1883 he graduated from Trinity College, Cambridge, and in 1885 entered the missions field with Hudson Taylor in China.

C.T. Studd spent his life in dedicated service to the Lord, serving in China, India, and Africa. In 1913 he formed the World Evangelisation Crusade (now WEC International) which operates to this day. In 1888, he married Priscilla Livingstone Stewart, and they had four daughters and two sons. She died in 1929, and C.T, died on July 16, 1931, in Ibambi, Democratic Republic of the Congo.”

Pastor’s Corner

“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa & Beyond!”


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