A Heart After God
Bible Teaching Ministry

Weekly Radio Programs:

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 “Declare His Glory Among the Nations.”

Psalms 96:3

Pastor Brad Abley: Biblical Educator and Religious Broadcaster.

Supporting the Ministry of Indigenous Pastors in their Local Churches and Communities:

  • Uganda

    Pastor Joseph Muyingo: Kamuli, Uganda

  • Africa: Uganda & Kenya

    In-Country Ministry & Weekly Radio Programs!

  • Kenya

    Pastor Paul Ochieng: Siaya, Kenya

Uganda Mission Complete!

Pastor Brad Abley invites you to read his full report: 8-Days of Ministry in Uganda. 3-Day Pastor Conference / Meeting with Muslim clerics /Sunday Services /Live FM Radio Broadcast / Marriage Workshop / School Evangelism. Also a heartfelt Thank You for your partnership!

* Uganda Mission Accomplished! /

Pst Brad's Ministry Report is now available /

- Click here /

* Uganda Mission Accomplished! / Pst Brad's Ministry Report is now available / - Click here /

  • We invite you to follow along with Pst Brad’s "8-Days of Ministry in Uganda!"



https://www.youtube.com/@BradAbley -"Uganda Missions Trip August 2024"

Uganda Mission: Lunch meeting with local Muslim clerics & leaders!

Pst Brad and his team hosted a meeting with local Muslims. His purpose was no agenda, instead an atmosphere of “I want to get to know you…” Blog post & video

God established "creditability and favor" during our 2.5 hour meeting! with the Muslim leaders!

A Devotional

“Why was David a Man after God’s own Heart? A 51-Day Devotional.”

Author Brad Abley’s newest Devotional Book!

See all of Pst Brad’s Books at Amazon! Search “Brad Abley”

Pastor’s Corner

Teaching to take you deeper into the Word God. Short video clips, quotes, teachings and more from Pastor Brad Abley