Uganda Marriage Workshop: The Holy Spirit and Marriage (video)

Pastor Brad Abley: Biblical Educator and Religious Broadcaster

Marriage Workshop in Uganda

Marriage Workshop

Pastor Brad Abley teaching at “True Light Family Ministry Uganda.”

Being on the Mission Field, things doesn’t always go as planned! But God…
— Pastor Brad Abley

Exceedingly early Monday morning, the day of the Marriage Workshop and the Evangelistic Outreach at the College, Pst Brad got diarrhea and was planning to cancel both events. He also got almost no sleep the night before and was exhausted. 

With Pastor Paul's encouragement, he managed to do this Marriage Workshop with a topic he had never used before and that was The Holy Spirit and Marriage. The college cancelled at the last minute due to their need for extra testing for the students.

The Marriage Workshop was at True Light Family Ministries - in Kamuli, Uganda. One topic he spoke about was "The Fruit of the Holy Spirit how we need the Fruit in our Lives and in our Marriages!”

Galatians 5:22

“Love, Joy, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Gentleness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-Control.”

Pst Brad believes he stumbled onto something pretty profound, and they were so overjoyed that they essentially begged us to come back and do an entire week on marriage -- which is a matter that needs desperate attention in Uganda. 

Uganda Marriage Workshop: Building up the local believers

“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa & Beyond!”


Uganda Radio: Pst Paul of Kenya greets the Radio Listeners of Uganda (video)