Celebrating 7 Yrs of Ministry in Africa!!

How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?
— Romans 10: 14-15
Celeb 7 yrs2.jpg

“Here I am, send me…”

Isaiah 6:8

I’m feeling very grateful to the Lord and to His people today... Thank You!
— Pastor Brad

Seven years ago yesterday I began what I never wanted to do -- have my own ministry and have to raise my own finances for it (for a living and for expenditures). Consequently, Rom. 10:15 is clearer and truer to me now than ever: "How will they preach unless they are sent?"

Because of the faithful prayer and financial partnership of friends -- the Lord has enabled me to preach the gospel throughout Africa and now in The Americas! Thank you for your support!

I've lost track of all my Ministry Trips since year 2014, I believe 17 is correct!! My focus is to teach and train Village Pastors in Kenya and in Uganda:

  • 17 Trips combined between Kenya and Uganda

  • 3 I’ve missed additional trips due to Covid-19

    • Preach at Bible Conference

    • Minister to Prisoners

    • Minster Evangelistically at a High School

    • Minster Evangelistically at a Junior College

    • Minister to Orphans and Widows

    • Preach on FM Radio Sunday mornings - Kamuli, Uganda

In addition, what I sensed the Lord tell me in the early 1990's -- that I would be instrumental in ministering to Orphans and be involved with Orphanages -- has also come to pass in both Kenya and Uganda!!

Remarkably, radio reaches far more people than any other media on the continent of Africa! Radio remains the best way to communicate the Gospel to Africa!
— Voice of Hope- AFRICA

RADIO Schedule:

In year 2016, the Lord opened a door to preach weekly on an Short Wave Radio via “Voice of Hope-Africa” to the continent of Africa.

Later in year 2020, more doors opened two more broadcasts were added to Voice of Hope. Also added in year 2020: 105.9 KBS FM Radio - Kamuli, Ugnda -Friday nights from 6-7 pm weekly!! 49,500 people listen weekly!

  • 8 am Sunday East Africa time. Voice Of Hope-Africa - Short Wave Radio

  • 8 pm Tuesday East Africa time. Voice of Hope-Africa - Short Wave Radio

  • 6 pm Friday East Africa. 105.9 KBS FM Radio Kamuli, Uganda

  • 9 pm Tuesday The Americas- West Coast time. Voice of Hope-North & South America - Short Wave Radio

Special thanks to those whom have been my “front line support” in this ministry to Africa!!

It has often been way beyond difficult, but the relentless support of my wife, Maureen Abley, my ministry partner Danny Gilbert, Mary Beth Gilbert, my brother Paul Abley, my friend and encourager, Charlie Self. Sound engineer and friend Mark Biasotti, for the past six months, sound editing from Jim Parroco. Since 2017 my friend and Senior Pastor, Bobby Hill have enabled me to stand firm and continue to move forward.

Major thanks also to my “Son in the Faith” and ministry partner, Pastor Joseph Muyingo of Kamuli, Uganda!! Thanks also to Bishop Opolot Osire and Pastor James Bachumirwa both of Kamuli, Uganda.

For additional information on my Africa Ministry go to: BradAbley.com/About

“Please continue to pray for the Radio listeners, that they would be touched & changed by hearing the Word of God weekly! Many are coming to Christ weekly, healings, financial miracles and family relationships are being restored weekly.”

Blessings and Thank You to all my financial and prayer partners over the years! I could not be doing this ministry without your help. Thank you for standing with me over the 7 years, I appreciate you so much! Together, we are making an impact for Christ!

To my new friends, I ask you to prayerfully consider becoming part of the team reaching Africa for Christ!


“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa &Beyond!”


Listen to Brad’s FM Radio Broadcast!!


Covid-19 hits Uganda a 2nd time!