What’s New??
Reaching Africa & Beyond…
Answered Prayer: Home Building Project in Kenya
Kenya: Answered prayer, provision for a roof!
Easter Series: The Resurrection & Restoration of All Things (audio)
5 Part Audio Teaching: The Resurrection & Restoration of All Things
From Hypocrisy to Humility, a Uganda Radio Listener’s Story…
Reaching the radio listener with a GOSPEL message every broadcast!
Now Airing Twice per week on KBS 105.9 FM Radio: Uganda
There will be twice as many testimonies and listeners accepting Christ!!
Happy 65th Birthday Pst Brad, from Radio Mikayi 103.8 FM Radio/ Kenya
The Kenya radio station sends a Birthday Greeting!
Embrace Your Kingdom Identity: Walk the Walk! (2 videos)
When God looks at us, can He say, “Now that is a citizen of Heaven??”
Forgiveness: “We can try the God of Pastor Brad, on the Radio”
FM Radio Listener Testimony!
Friends, may I invite you to read the Word of God with a heart to stand in awe?…
May I invite you to read the Word of God…
“Thank you for inviting the Muzungu (White man) on the radio in Kamuli, Uganda”
Uganda Radio listener story…
Your donations are making a difference! Word Academy School: Siaya, Kenya
Partner donations provided funds to have desks built!
Applying Scripture by Praying Scripture
This approach will deepen our prayer life, deepen our relationship with our Triune God!
Praying for you with Joy! January Paragraph Prayer
Praying for you with Joy! Philippians 1:3-11
Stories from FM Radio Listeners: Kamuli, Uganda
The GOSPEL message is changing lives in Kamuli, Uganda
Kenya: Ebenezer Children’s Home. Shirts and Dresses for the children!
Pst Brad’s partners sent gifts for the Orphans!
Radiothon: A Fundraising Campaign for Yr 2025 Radio Air-Time
Fundraiser for Year 2025 Radio Air-Time!
Shortwave Radio Series - Gospel Of John. Reaching most of Africa! (audio)
Reaching 75% of the continent of Africa 3 times per week via Shortwave Radio!
Uganda: New Radio Series. 2 Timothy: “How shall we live?”(audio)
New Radio Series: How Shall We Live?
Looking for More Topics? View Pastor Brad’s archived blog posts below.