Converted From Islam to Christianity: Killed for his FAITH: Uganda

“Muslim Relatives Set Lethal Trap for Convert to Christianity! Buried Alive!”

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A word from Pastor Brad on those whom have Converted from Islam to Christianity in UGANDA!

“It is a singular joy for me to have led hundreds of Muslims to faith in Jesus in Uganda, since my ministry began there, in 2018.

Last week -- as often happens -- an entire Muslim family was saved through my local FM broadcast in Uganda.

On one trip I stayed in Jinja for a week, so this strikes me. Where this tragedy happened was to the northeast of where I minister -- in Western Uganda.

Millions of Muslims have been turning to faith in Jesus over the past several decades, and those who do not are angry to the point of ultimate violence.

"The blood of the martyrs is seed" (i.e., for the rapid growth of the Church). Lord, increase the harvest of souls for Your name.”

~ North African theologian Tertullian

Friends, the need for the Gospel to be preached in Uganda is very real! More Muslims are converting to Christianity!

“Uganda’s constitution and other laws provide for religious freedom, including the right to propagate one’s faith and convert from one faith to another. Muslims make up no more than 12 percent of Uganda’s population, with high concentrations in eastern areas of the country.”

~ Morning Star News

When a Muslim converts from Islam to Christianity, most of the time, their family kicks them out or worse. God’s given Pastor Brad a weekly opportunity to preach via FM Radio to Kamuli and surrounding villages every Friday!

Approximately 79,500 from this tiny village and surrounding areas are listening to Brad’s broadcast every Friday night. Many Muslims are turning to FAITH in Christ. They call the radio station to and say, “I prayed with Pastor Brad. I am now a Christian!”

Will you prayerfully consider joining the team in reaching Kamuli via FM Radio, donating monthly to support this ministry?

Pastor Brad would be honored by your financial support! He makes his living by the Gospel through the prayers and financial partnership of people just like you!

He needs to raise an additional $2,500 per month in personal support and $500 per month for the expense of airing the FM Radio Program every Friday - 52 times per year! Please consider pledging $100, $500 or more per month to help Pastor Brad to reach both these goals!! Thank you for joining Pastor Brad financially reach Uganda for Christ and thanks for your prayer covering for this ministry! We are so grateful for each one of you!

“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa &Beyond!”


Elderly Christian Woman Beaten for Housing Converts from Islam


Listen to Brad’s FM Radio Broadcast!!