FM Radio listener asked, “Why do I deserve to be given a Radio?”

Uganda: Listener calls the FM Radio station with a prayer request.

Pastor Brad’s weekly FM Radio broadcast can be heard every Friday night in Kamuli, Uganda! FM Radio station “105.9 KBS FM Radio” confirms 725,000 listeners tune in each week to hear the “Mzungu” White Man from America preach the GOSPEL!

“The Gospel is shared. God is glorified!!”

Pastor Joseph in Kamuli, Uganda received a phone call from this man after he heard Pastor Brad’s GOSPEL message on the weekly FM Radio broadcast! The man had a prayer request. Pastor Joseph further talked with the man and found out he does not own a radio, he listens to the broadcast with family or friends.

Pastor Joseph said he would like to give this man his very own radio, as a gift! After placing the radio in the man’s hands, the man “knelt with thankfulness!”

The man asked,

Why I'm giving him the radio, can he deserve something good from our hands? Why is pastor Brad is so concerned of the people of Uganda? I told him. He does it because of the love of God he has for the people of God all over the world not only Uganda a lone.”

The man sent Pastor Joseph a message that very day that I should go and visit him a second time! Joseph will definitely follow up on another day with the man.

We are so grateful to our partners that PRAY for this radio program every week. The GOSPEL is changing lives in Kamuli and the surrounding villages. Thank you for those who give financially monthly to help pay for the “Broadcast Air Time” and those whom donate so that Pastor Joseph can “Purchase Radios” for those whom can’t afford one.

Most listeners in this village don’t have cars, cell phones, electricity nor a radio. So to receive a radio so that they can hear the GOPSPEL is a great honor!

“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa &Beyond!”


FM Radio caller: “I decided to bring my hopeless life into Jesus’s hands!”


Witch Doctor asks for a FM Radio!!