Pst Brad to meet with local Muslim clerics! Also, a sincere thank you for your partnership!

Pastor Brad Abley: Biblical Educator and Radio Broadcaster

Uganda Mission’s Trip: Aug 25 - Sept 4, 2024

A word from Pastor Brad:

“As I prepare to leave for Uganda this coming Sunday, August 25th (returning September 4th), I want to take this opportunity to “Thank You” one more time and to let you know the deep, strong conviction I have of your role in this ministry in sending me there.

With much faith, truly, may the Lord use your work of faith and labor of love exponentially in the lives of all of the approximately 3,000 students that I will be speaking to (three schools total), the hundreds of pastors in the 4-day Pastors Conference, two live radio broadcasts, and two packed Sunday services of 400 each.

In addition, I believe the Lord put in my heart several months ago to “reach out to the leading Muslim clerics” where I will be ministering and request to meet with them with no agenda on my part. I will be joined by Pastor Joseph of Uganda and Pastor Paul of Kenya at this meeting. I prayed into this during those months….

There is increasing violence from Muslims to Christians, but particularly Muslims who convert to faith in Jesus. My goal is to work with the Lord to do what I can to stem the hostility, to show them the love of Jesus, and also to provide an example to Christian pastors who avoid the Muslims, out of fear.

Sure enough, Pastor Joseph reached out to them, and 20 responded enthusiastically. In fact, they asked Joseph,

“Why is this American Muzungu willing to meet with us, but you pastors refuse to do so? This is what we have been longing for!”

One of them said he listens to my broadcast every Friday night and cannot wait to meet with me! I will show them the love of Jesus and I will not hesitate, if asked, to speak the truth of the Gospel with them.

Lastly, I look forward to spending a lot of time with Pastor Joseph, building into him on the long, 4+ hour drive from the airport to Kamuli and back again, and as much time as possible with Pastor Paul from Kenya, who will help me with the ministry load.

I am trusting God for at least 300 salvations, for reformation of the Church in that region and beyond, and for great encouragement of the believers.

With sincere gratitude to you,


Thank you for your love and prayer support as Pst Brad departs for Uganda!

We invite you to follow along with Pastor Brad’s trip via the following links:

Uganda Missions: Making Disciples who Make Disciples

“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa & Beyond!”


Pst Brad is thankful for his safe arrival at his final destination: Kamuli, Uganda


“Me being a Muslim, doesn’t stop me from learning about Jesus.” Uganda Radio Listener