“Stories” from FM Radio Listeners!!

Isaiah 55:11

“So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth;
It will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.”

  • FM Radio in Uganda

As of July 2022, radio station confirms 4.5 millions listeners per weekly broadcast!!

  • FM Radio Listening Groups: Uganda

June 2022, 105.9 FM KBS Radio station confirms over One Million listeners tune in weekly!

Pastor Brad preaches the GOSPEL on Friday nights from 6-7 pm . This is God’s doing and it is marvelous to see! Please pray for the listener’s lives to be touched and changed weekly.

  • Uganda Trip July 2022

Pst Brad is so looking forward to meeting some of the FM Radio listeners! Especially the ones whom have accepted Christ during one of his radio brocasts!

  • Refugees Receive Food

Bidi Bidi Refugee Camp in northern Uganda is home to 300,000+ refugees. Food was donated for theses villagers!

  • Listener’s Lives Changed

Pastor Brad’s FM Radio broadcast can be heard every Friday night on 105.9 KBS FM

  • Listener Response:

Witch Doctor heard Brad’s invitation to “Accept Christ”

This man was a Witch Doctor for 35 years. Another Witch Doctor cursed this man, later both of his feet began to rot!! Medical Doctors could not heal him… But when he heard Pastor Brad give an invitation to “Accept Christ” during a FM broadcast, he renounced witch craft and accepted Christ!! God immediately began to heal his feet. Pastor Joseph in Uganda went to follow with the man & took photos. Thank you Jesus for your healing power!!

  • Shortwave Radio Story:

Reaching Refugee Camp for Christ via RADIO!

Sudanese Pastors are distributing radios at Bidi Bidi Refugee camp in Northern Uganda. These are Sudanese Refugees living at one of the largest refugee camps in Uganda! War torn Sudan has caused a large exodus into Uganda over the last several years!

We thank God for the opportunity to help reach the Sudanese Refugees via radio! Pastor Brad's Voice of Hope-Africa weekly radio programs can be heard here on Shortwave! One of Brad’s partners sent funds to purchase radios!

Remarkably… Radio reaches far more people than any other media on the continent of Africa! Radio remains the best way to communicate the Gospel to Africa!”

Pastor Brad Abley

  • Listener Response

    During the FM broadcast, people call to say they “Prayed with Pastor Brad” to accept Christ, to give praise reports, prayer requests, etc. Below, RADIOS were donated to people who want to listen to the GOSPEL; but can’t afford a radio!

  • Listener’s Response

Pastor Joseph from Kamuli receives the phone calls from the radio listeners…

Pastor Joseph asks the callers “How can we live a Godly life?”

Joet answered: - Pray and study the scriptures daily as it's noted in Joshua 1:8

Godfrey answered: - Repenting of our sins on a daily basis

Maguire answered: - Serve faithfully in Church callings

  • Listener Stories

“Groups of people are sharing Pastor Brad’s FM Radio messages on Social Media!”

We just received a report, here are some of the groups that are sharing Pastor Brad’s messages on Social Media:

  • Youth Group Busoga (2,204 followers)

  • Prayer Land International (3,400 followers)

  • Heavenly Kingdom Ambassadors.(2,890 followers)

  • Live by Faith Group (4,305 followers)

  • Armies of God International ( 62,199 followers)

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  • Listener Story

Uganda has lifted the Covid-19 restrictions! Churches are now open to hold services!!

Church members around Kamuli district have been encouraged and strengthened by listening to Pastor Brad’s weekly Gospel messages. They rejoice that they can now return to meeting in the church buildings on Sundays. We thank God that the churches have reopened.

~ Photo: Bishop John Osire Opolot from Victory Christian Centre Church, Kamuli - Uganda

  • Listener Answered Prayers!!

Each week, listeners call into the FM Radio station with stories of Answered Prayers!!

  • 42 new born babies have joined the race of this universe! 

  • 14 families have been able to purchase a Motorcycles for a daily income.

  • 7 houses have been completed. Money came in just in time!

  • 22 plots of land have been purchased! 

  • 17 families have been reconciled (coming back together)!

  • 41 people have been able to pay off delinquent bank loans!

  • 45 people wanted to hear the GOSPEL, can now listen on their own radio!

  • Listener Story

FM Radio listeners say “Thank You” for praying for the people of Kamuli!!

  • Broadcasting Story

October 2021 marks the 1 year anniversary of Pastor Brad on FM Radio in Kamuli, Uganda!!

This weekly broadcast program began with approximately 10,000 confirmed radios tuned in! Currently the FM station is confirming approximately 90,000 “FM Receivers” tuned into the Friday broadcast!! Pastor Joseph, hears stories of entire families sitting down together to listen to the Gospel being preached. So this means the listening audience is 4-5 times higher than the “receiver” count!!

  • Listener Story

Woman calls radio station to say she has been praying for 4 years!

Says, she has been praying and asking God for 4 years, to enable her to become pregnant and have a baby. She is now 2 months pregnant!

  • Listener Story

Caller says “Thank You to the Radio Pastor!

"For sure we Thank You our Radio Pastor for standing in the gap to pray for our families & for Uganda! It brings honor and healing to the people of God!”

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  • Listener Story

This man lost his Motorcycle Ownership Card. This meant he couldn't drive his motorcycle. He prayed & asked God to provide the money to purchase another Card! Answered prayer!

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  • Listener Story

Two Boda Boda (Motorcycle Taxi Drivers) drive to Radio Station wanting to commit their lives to Christ!! Pastor Joseph prays with them.

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  • Listener Story

Staff at the FM Radio station pray to commit their lives to Christ!!

 Pastor Joseph shares this story: “We started the program on Friday and in the midst of the program, 2 FM Radio Station workers appeared in the studio, you guess what..? They were not stable (emotionally touched) outside (the radio booth) because of the gospel. One of them wrote on a piece of paper saying he wants to get saved. And in a few minutes another one came in saying I want also, and they finally got saved.”

This is incredible! This happened in the second month of Pastor Brad being “On the Air!” ~Pastor Brad Abley

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  • Listener Story

Ministry Partner donates FM Radio to Listeners in Kamuli.

Today Cathrine Nabirye receives her 1st radio!

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  • Listener Story

Today Yeseri Nabongo receives his 1st radio!

  • Listener Story:

Mother heard Pastor Brad on radio praying for miracles. She asked God for a miracle for her son…

He spoke for 1st time!

Since birth this boy has been bedridden (for 19years ) he could not speak, sit or walk. But during the FM Radio prayer time, Pastor Brad prayed, "Move Holy Spirit and touch your people now. Move in power oh God!" Then the mother of the boy cried unto to God saying "Please hear your servant and heal my child," Immediately the boy started talking and sitting. Waiting for him to walk in Jesus name! Thank you Jesus for touching this young man’s life!

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  • Listener Story:

“Thanksgiving for the Gospel which saved this listener’s family! Gifts of THANKS!”

Pst Joseph of Kamuli submitted this story, his family was the recipient of these GIFTS of THANKS! A live chicken and large bottle of milk.

“Eria, who got saved during the radio program of Pastor Brad came to my home running and knocked at my door. And My children opened the door. Little did we know that he was carrying a very huge chicken and a five litter jug of milk! Eria brought these gifts to us as ‘His thanksgiving to me for the gospel of Jesus -which saved his family again.” And he said a lot is happening in his family.

A Muslim man named Musa Ewula and his whole family prayed to receive Christ after listening to Pastor Brad on the local FM Radio! Musa rode his motorcycle to the radio station looking for Brad to give him a gift of $50 which is equivalent to Ugandan shillings 185000!! (Brad preached this message in America & was not at the FM station!)

The reason why Musa wanted to give Brad a gift is, after Brad finished his message he took time to pray for the listeners. Brad specifically prayed for “People to stop drinking alcohol which is misleading them, against unforgiveness and anger.” And the prayer met the heart of Musa’s father and the father finally forgave the son for not taking him to see his sister when she was sick. “This hate has stayed for 7 years in the father’s heart until yesterday!!” Through it all the son was forgiven and received a piece of land 130fx200f from his father.

  • Listener Story:

Take Christ a second time. Rededication!”

"Pastor Joseph in Uganda, went to do a follow up with a man that got saved last week. Little did Joseph know this man was formerly a Pastor & had backslidden!! When the man heard Brad preaching on the FM Radio program, he decided to "Take Jesus Christ the second time!!" Rededication.

When his wife saw Joseph, she was very happy and said she thought God had... "Hated and Forgotten them for the last 13 years!" But glory to God for remembering them again and the power of forgiveness!

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  • ListenerOn the Street Story”

Put God first Matt 6:33’’

A Muslim man who was selling sugar canes just outside the gate of the school, overheard Pastor Brad preaching to the students… he realized the message was for him!!

The man heard Brad preaching about Mt. 6:33: "Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you," and Brad was telling the students to “Put God first in their studies, and He would make them better students.”

When Brad gave the salvation invitation to the students, this man outside the gate, also responded to Christ! He miraculously, for the first time in his life -- sold all of his sugar canes by the end of that day! His name is Mustafa -- same word for "Moses."

Mustafa said he knew at that point, even more so that the teaching was true. Pastor Joseph took him to church that Sunday, and now this man has new life in Jesus.

The "simple" testimonies are so often the best testimonies of all.

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  • Listener Story:

So often it’s the little things that go so far…”

Pastor Brad’s Uganda Ministry Partner -- Pastor Joseph Muyingo -- translates his weekly FM broadcast in the Kamuli, Uganda region. An entire family of 5 recently came to faith in Jesus while listening to the broadcast -- on a neighbor's radio!

A Humble Request: They asked Pastor Joseph to get them their own family radio;here it is, in this picture! Thank you Jesus for lives changed by hearing the Word of God!!

“These kinds of testimonies always bring such great joy to me!”

— Pastor Brad

  • Listener Story

“Answered Prayer for a bicycle…”

Answered Prayer!!…

This sweet couple called in to the FM radio station in Uganda last night after my broadcast to report that God had answered their prayers for a bicycle (I pray for healings and financial provision for the people, but I never thought to pray for a bike).

Friends, they called and said it was a MIRACLE for them. But take a close, close look at it: was it made in the '60's, or 50's? Think carefully about that.

One of the greatest lessons in life -- one that must be practiced consistently -- is to express gratitude to God.

For example, I often thank Him for the shoes I have (not everyone has shoes), for the clothes I wear (some people have hardly any clothes), and for the cars we have (same cars for 13 and 16 years, respectively).

A grateful man, woman or child is… A happy man, woman or child!!

Other stories from listeners!! A small sample of stories and prayer requests that are received weekly!…

~ Almost every week listeners call in to say they prayed to “Receive Christ in the heart!”

~ This program is really blessing many people around Busoga region and across Buganda region.

~ The Lord has heard the cry of his people this time I have realized it this week, many people are calling in to thank the Lord for doing them good!! ( Paying their bills in time, working on their needs and fighting for them in every kind of situation)

~ Some people came in Nakiwuro VCC to get saved four of them. 3 young ladies and one man! What a great miracle! See photos above.

- Today when the service was still going on at around 6:37pm 2people sent on my Airtel line seeds of love of $65: one sent $25 and another one sent $40

- 29 people called to appreciate.

- Do you remember last week the family which requested to pray for their father who went to Kiboga and 2years they were not seeing and hearing from him?... Today at 8:23pm the father called them and told them is alive they should not worry! Wow! We serve a living God.

- Empowerment and increase among churches is still on going.

- The increase of the listeners is persisting day by day, approximately 39,900 weekly !

Prayer Requests:

~ 7 people need God to rescue them from corona virus.

~ 2 need God to reserve their Jobs during this season of covid-19.

~ 4 people need God to heal their mother from TB.

~ 2 need headache healing

~ 1 needs God to put right her marriage.

~ 3 people need a job.

~ Prayer against Child kidnapping

~ Prayer against Witchcraft & casting of spells on the Christians

“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa &Beyond!”


Pst Brad to meet some of the FM Radio listeners whom accepted Christ!


Uganda: Jesus appeared to a Woman in a dream!