Kenya: 1-Day Pastors and Leaders Conference in Gem, Siaya

Pastor Brad Abley: Biblical Educator

Sermon Titles for Conference:

“The Man Who Missed Out”

“The Father Heart of God - The Prodigal Son.”

Pastors and Leaders Conference

Pastor Brad writes…

“I ended my time here in Gem, Siaya with a one day conference, teaching on Luke 7:36-50, which I entitled,

"The Man Who Missed Out."

This is one of the more compelling passages in the Bible and is loaded with information which the people were so grateful to receive.

In the second session I taught in-depth on,

“The Father Heart of God from Parable of the Prodigal Son”

And preceded that with some insights on the nature of the Father in the Old Testament, along with personal examples.

This was the first time I’ve spoken to this group of Pastors and Leaders! I’m grateful for this opportunity. They received a wonderful impartation of the Word of God today. These was indeed God’s doing…”

Friends, thank you for your Partnership in the GOSPEL. It’s because of your Prayers and Financial Gifts that make trips like this possible!!

Thanks so much for helping send the GOSPEL to Africa and Beyond!

“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa & Beyond!”


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