Kenya: Ebenezer Children’s Home. Shirts and Dresses for the children!

Pastor Brad Abley: Biblical Educator

Kenya Mission’s Trip

Ebenezer Children’s Home - Orphanage

• Ebenezer Children's Home & Orphanage: Gem- Siaya, Kenya.

When Pastor Brad is ministering in Siaya, Kenya he stays at the Orphanage! He loves to interact with the children. They are between the ages of 3 to 18 years old. Pst Brad will spend time playing catch with the boys, spontaneous teachings, prayer time, times of encouragement and occasionally eats a meal with them.

Over the years, when Pst Brad is traveling to Kenya on a Mission, his partners will ask how they can bless the Orphans at Ebenezer? They needs at the orphanage are many, mainly food and school funds! Sometimes it’s a building project, clothes or personal hygiene items.

This trip, we are so thankful for the partner that Hand Made 24 dresses for the girls! Each dress has a white dove sown onto it. Another partner provided new shirts for the boys!

Sharing the Love of God with the Children on each trip!

Thank you to our partners for helping provide essentials for these Orphans!

Kenya Missions: Reaching the Government in Nairobi & the Orphans in Siaya

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