Kenya: Mission’s Trip Prayer Points!

“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.” Matthew 18:19

Pastor Brad Abley will be on his Mission’s Trip in SIAYA, KENYA from July 20 - Aug 8, 2023. We invite you to cover the trip in PRAYER now, before he departs for Kenya, while ministering in Kenya and as he travels home.

Also please pray for the ministry team in Kenya as they prepare for the 2 weeks of ministry!

Strategic Ministry Partnerships in Kenya:

  • Host and Ministry partners: Pastor Paul Ochieng & Vivian Ochieng

  • Ministering in partnership with “African Word Ministry of Siaya.”

  • SupportingEbenezer Children’s Home of Siaya.”

Romans 10:15

“How beautiful are the feet of the Messengers who bring good news!”

Luke 4:10

“He will command his angels concerning you to guard your carefully.”

Mission’s Trip Prayer Card: “Prayer Points.”

Additional specific Ministry Prayer Points:

  • We ask for your supernatural wisdom and discernment to rest upon Pst Brad every day, that he would walk in the center of Your will, and know what to do.

  • We ask for a continual release of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, for great faith, and in the prophetic, for great faith and specificity and accuracy. Let Your people see the gifts of the Holy Spirit operated decently and in order, as an example to them.

  •  We ask that Pst Brad’s teaching be Spirit-led, and that we would teach and preach in Your fruit and in your power. Let the fruit be abundant and permanent.

  •  We ask that You use Pst Brad to bring Your Reformation and Your revival to the region that we're ministering in -- and beyond.

Thank you brothers and sisters in Christ for standing with Pst Brad in prayer for a successful & impactful trip. Pst Brad could not do this trip without your “sending him out in prayer!” This verse is Pst Brad’s heart for the people of Africa.

“Here I am Lord, send me… use me.” Isaiah 6:8

“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa & Beyond!”


Returning to Kenya July 2023: Breaking ground on new ministry opportunities!


Launched a new Radio Broadcast in Philadelphia, PA!