Kenya: One Day Leaders Conference. For Bishops and Senior Pastors
Pastor Brad Abley was a guest speaker at this conference in Siaya Town. He spoke on “The God of the Minister and the Work of the Minister."
This conference was for Bishops and Senior Pastors! The theme of the conference was to bring encouragement, foundational teaching and equipping of these ministers to build up the faith of their congregations.
Pastor Brad Abley spoke on “The God of the Minister and the Work of the Minister," This is a foundational message for every minster.
Video - short clip using the topic of marriage as an example in his sermon!
The conference location is near the FM Radio Station “Radio Mikayi FM 103.8 FM SIAYA.” They broadcasts Pst Brad’s weekly radio program. Along with him delivering a message at the conference, Pst Brad will be inviting the pastors & churches to tune-in weekly to hear his Gospel programs!
Pastor Brad and Pastor Paul doing a live Radio Broadcast in the studio!
Thank you for your Partnership: Together we are reaching Kenya for Christ in so many ways!
“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa & Beyond!”