Kenya: The team is preparing for the 4-Day Mega Conference in Siaya!

At Word Christian Center in Siaya, Kenya under the leadership of Pastor Paul Ochieng, this Annual Conference has been covered in prayer for months! The setup has taken days. Here’s an inside look at the preparations and the prayer!

The Theme is “Calling and Servanthood”

Key verses:

2 Timothy 1:9 and Isaiah 41:1

Pastor Brad Abley writes…

“These are just some of the volunteers that I was speaking to a few hours ago to appreciate them and encourage them from 1 Corinthians 12:14-31 about the importance of everything they do to make the conference successful.

The four-day conference begins Nov 23, 2023 and it will be in a "mega tent" in a large soccer field to accommodate people coming from all over the region. They're arriving now and are excited for what's in store!

Here is a few photos of the team praying the night before the 4-Day Conference! It’s estimated 2,000 people will attend. Please pray for this 4-Day event.


Thanks so much for praying and helping send the GOSPEL to Africa and Beyond!

“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa & Beyond!”


Kenya Day One of Conference: 45 Responses to a Salvation Invitation!


Kenya Mission: Follow along with Pst Brad’s trip! Stories and Videos…