New Book: Devotional on Psalms

"Understanding the Father Heart of God in the Psalms: A Devotional."

Hello dear friends! I'm thrilled to announce that my new book is out NOW! The title is "Understanding the Father Heart of God in the Psalms: A Devotional."

Click here to purchase at Amazon

While my favorite book will always be my study/commentary on 1 Thessalonians, I do believe this book on The Father Heart of God will be my most important.

The simple premise of this devotional is this: When Jesus taught His disciples to know and pray to the Father, they didn't have to scramble to know who He is -- their reference was already available to them from the Bible they read -- the Old Testament.

And nowhere in all of Scripture is the Father's nature revealed more RICHLY than in the Psalms. I hope you'll invest in a copy and let others know about it as well.

A very unique feature of this book is the way I pray with you and for you at the end of each day and close it with one of my favorite ways to minister -- with a different biblical benediction.

For other books by Pastor Brad go to Amazon's Author Page

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