Reaching 7 million weekly with a Gospel Message: FM Radio Uganda

Pastor Brad Abley: Biblical Educator and Religious Broadcaster

“A Heart After God Radio: Uganda”

Reaching Kamuli and surrounding villages weekly on KBS 105.9 FM Radio

The Word of God goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.
— Isaiah 55:11

Pastor Brad is rejoicing in what God is doing via FM Radio in Uganda!

The Word of God goes out and does not return back void. In Kamuli and surrounding villages, approximately 7 million radios are tuned in to hear Pastor Brad’s Gospel Message! We thank God for the “Reach of Radio!”

The radio station has the capability of measuring the audience size via Portable People Meters or Nielsen Meters.

In Africa, Radio remains the best way to reach people with the GOSPEL message. In rural areas most people don't own cell phones, TV's, nor computers. Radio is their main source of information!

A Note from Pastor Brad:

Dear Partners and Friends, thank you so much for supporting my weekly evangelist radio outreach to Kamuli, Uganda!! Your prayers are invaluable to cover myself as I preach and for Pastor Joseph in the radio studio.

Most importantly, your prayers for the Radio Listeners to tune in each week and to invite their friends and family to listen with them. Also for the listeners to have open ears and hearts to receive the Word of God and the gift of Salvation.

The radio station informs us that 7 million radios were tuned into the last broadcast! This is the favor of GOD allowing the GOSPEL to be aired weekly on Friday nights 6-7 pm!

I thank God for you and thank you for your partnership in this Radio Ministry!

Thanks so much for helping spread the GOSPEL via FM Radio!

“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa & Beyond!”


“Thank you for inviting the Muzungu (White man) on the radio in Kamuli, Uganda”


“The Radio messages are never accompanied with any doubt!” Uganda Radio listener