Testimonies from the weekly FM Radio Broadcasts!

Some of the Promises of God when HIS word is preached!

Isa 55:11 …”So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”

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Please pray for Pst Brad’s weekly FM Radio broadcasts from Kamuli, Uganda

Isa 55:11

Here’s a great FM Radio program report from Kamuli, Uganda
— Pastor Joseph Muyingo, Kamuli

“This program is really blessing many people around Busoga region and across Buganda region. To me I think the Lord has heard the cry of his people this time than those days. For this I have realized it this week, many people are calling in to thank the Lord for doing them good!!

  • Paying their bills in time, working on their needs and fighting for them in every kind of situation

  • Some people went to Nakiwuro VCC Church to get saved! 3 young ladies and one man, what a great miracle.

  • Today when the service was still going on at around 6:37pm 2 people sent money to the FM Radio ministry via my cell phone Airtel. Seeds of love of $65(one sent $25 and another one sent $40)

  • 29 people called to appreciate

  • Do you remember last week the family which requested to pray for their father who went to Kiboga, and 2 years they were not seeing and hearing from him?... Today at 8:23pm the father called them and told them is alive they should not worry! Wow! We serve a living God.

  • Empowerment and increase among churches is still on going.

  • The increase of the listeners is persisting week by week, now up to 38,000!

  • Friends, then what shall we say if the Lord is on our side who is against us?

Prayer requests

  • Kimoimo Sam wants God to change his family into Christianity completely

  • Alijjera Alifred is looking for a Job, so God help him

  • Friends, more great new are still coming in the lord is at work.

Blessings to Pastor Brad Abley, Bishop John Opolot Osire and his team, you servants of God you are doing a very big job to reach out the people of God by preach the good news(Gospel)!”

Most listeners use a portable FM Radio like this one to listen to Pastor Brad’s messages!

Many homes do not have electricity.


“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa &Beyond!”


Covid-19 hits Uganda a 2nd time!


FM Radio “Prayer Moments” with Pastor Brad Abley!