Radio Series: Reasons why King David was a Man after God’s Own Heart (audio)
Pastor Brad Abley: Biblical Educator and Religious Broadcaster
A Heart After God Radio
“Reasons why David was a man after God’s heart”
This Radio Series on King David was broadcast on:
Voice of Hope: Africa via Shortwave. Reaches 34 countries.
Voice of Hope: Americas via Shortwave. Reaches 18 countries.
Wilkins Radio: Philadelphia, PA on WNWR 1540 AM & 95.3 FM Radio
Pst Brad’s Radio Series on King David is based on a Devotional book he is writing:
“A Study on King David, with major reasons he was (and is) A Man After God's Own Heart -- and how that relates to you!”
1 Sam 16:13 "So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and from that day on the Spirit of the LORD came upon David in power."
“Reasons why David was a Man After God’s own heart!”
Pst Brad’s MP3 audio files are recorded in English. Each broadcast is 30 minutes total!
Audio #1
Psalms 63 part 1
Audio #2
Psalms 63 part #2
Audio #3
How He was a man after God.
Audio #4
Why David was a man after God’s heart.
Audio #5
King David, “I delight to do your will.”
Audio #6
David’s heart for God’s people.
We invite you to join us in praying for these radio broadcasts as the air! Prayer that listener’s hearts would be transformed by the word of God, lives changed, listeners to come to Christ, their prayers would be answered and so much more. Also prayer for Pastor Brad as he prepares each broadcast.
Thank you for your partnership in this radio ministry!
We are glad you Tuned-In for Pastor Brad’s radio series on King David!
“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa & Beyond!”