Thanking God for 1 Year of FM Broadcasting!

We are rejoicing in what God has done in just 1 year of broadcasting to Kamuli, Uganda!

Isaiah 55: 11

“So will My word be which goes out of My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the purpose for which I sent it.”

Celebrating God’s favor upon the FM Radio Friday night broadcasts! Approximately 90,000 radios are tuned in weekly. 800 people called radio station to say they made a decision for Christ!!

We are so thankful for the FM Radio Team located in Kamuli, Uganda. They are the ones that “make this program happen!’ They translate the message, they do radio engineering, pastors oversee the interruption of the bible, are sound techs and they take calls from the listeners, writing down caller: testimonies, prayer requests and they pray with the callers!!

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Prayer is the most vital part of this FM Radio Ministry!

Join us in prayer for lives to be changed by hearing the GOSPEL!

Prayer Points for the Listeners & the FM Radio Program ”

  • Listeners to tune in & invite their families/friends to join them

  • Listeners to “hear” the Gospel & to receive Christ into their heart

  • Physical Healings

  • Financial provisions

  • Family reconciliation

  • Emotional healing

  • Break addictions to drugs and alcohol

  • Stop Child Kidnapping

  • Pray against Witchcraft sacrifices

  • Pray against Vodou spells being cast on the Pastors

  • Muslims to Stop Persecuting the new believers, whom have just converted from Islam to Christianity

  • No technical issues at the FM Radio station

  • Radio station to be fully staffed & volunteers are in place

  • Skill in interpretation from English to Lugosa language

  • Financial provision to cover each weekly broadcast

  • Pastor Brad to “Preach the Word in Season” as the Lord lead

Thank you partners and friends for praying for Pastor Brad as he prepares his weekly radio message, praying for the Radio Team in Kamuli and praying for the Radio Listeners on a weekly basis!

Prayerfully consider joining the team in reaching Kamuli & surrounding villages for Christ! Pastor Brad would be honored by your financial gifts to support Year 2 of FM Radio in Kamuli.

“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa &Beyond!”


From FM Radio to Social Media!


Elderly Christian Woman Beaten for Housing Converts from Islam