Uganda 3-Day Pastor’s Conference: A testimony from the Translator

Pastor Brad Abley: Biblical Educator and Religious Broadcaster

Testimony from 3-Day Pastor’s Conference

Pastor James of Kamuli, the translator for the Conference, shares his testimony of what he and others learned at the 3-Day Pastor’s Conference

“We are very much grateful for the ministry Pastor Brad had in Kamuli, Uganda.

“The theme of the conference was about the leader who has a heart after God. He gave many examples of leaders we have had in the church history who have had such hearts. One is William Tyndale of England who risked his life for the translation of the the Bible from Latin to English so that the people could read it in the local language they understand. He never looked for fame nor world recognition but for the deeper understanding of God's word. It cost him his life. But he made a prayer that God would open the eyes of the king of England. God answered that prayer, and the Bible was printed in English language. It was a great lesson for me. My heart should be aimed at doing what benefits the entire church and not me alone.”

Pst James shares a heartfelt Thank You!

Other people who attended were blessed too. Here is what they told me:

  • “I heard some attendees commenting about the pure balanced teachings of pastor Brad. He teaches the whole counsel of God.”

  • “He speaks what the Bible speaks, does not twist scriptures like others for personal gain.”

  • “The men who attended were helped a great deal. They were instructed on how to love their wives. They should serve their wives with love. Wives are not slaves but companions and gifts from God.”

  • The women who came were encouraged too after hearing what God has for them through pastor Brad. Many had been lowly esteemed by the way their husbands treat them. But the conference left them when they were encouraged.”

Pastor Brad has been friends with Pst James for several years! Pst James is a school teacher and has a great command of the English language; hence having Pst James as his translator is a joy! Thank you Pst James for your excellent work in translating for the Pastors and the Radio audience.

Uganda: Making Disciples Who Make Disciples

“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa & Beyond!”


Uganda Missions: Pst Paul of Kenya greets the Radio Listeners of Uganda (video)


“Uganda-Mission Accomplished:” Ministry Report (video)