Uganda: Lunch meeting with 78 local Muslim clerics (video)

Pastor Brad Abley: Biblical Educator and Religious Broadcaster

God “established credibility and favor” during our time of dialoguing over a lunch”

Pastor Brad intentionally set the tone of the meeting as “light,” his prayer was for the love of God to be evident through him. He gave a warm welcome and provided lunch. The room was set in an informal semi-circle. They dialogued for 2.5 hours.

Lunch meeting with local Muslim clerics.

Pst Brad and his team hosted a meeting with 78 local Muslim clerics and leaders for lunch. His purpose was no agenda, instead a atmosphere of " I want to get to know you."

Pst Brad quickly saw that God "established credibility and favor" with the Muslim clerics and Leaders! This event has been the highlight of Pst Brad’s ministry time in Uganda!!

  • Listen as Pst Brad dialogues about forgiveness

  • The Muslim clerics respond with friendship

God established credibility and favor in my time with the Muslim clerics and leaders!

Me being a Muslim doesn’t stop be from learning about Jesus I listen to Pst Brad’s weekly radio messages.
— Muslim Radio Listener

For more stories and videos from this lunch meeting click here!

Then, they all began to ask me questions, not about the Christian faith but about many other matters of substance and there must have been at least 15 to 20 questions from several of them almost all of them coming from the leaders…

Friends, thank you so much for “sending me ”to Uganda! Thank you for your prayers that make events like this a reality!!!

Uganda Missions: Making Disciples who Make Disciples

“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa & Beyond!”


“Uganda-Mission Accomplished:” Ministry Report (video)


Thank You from Uganda! You made my trip possible… I’m here because of you (video)