Uganda Missions: “Paragraph Prayer” #4 from Pastor Brad Abley

Pastor Brad Abley: Biblical Educator and Religious Broadcaster

Pastor’s Corner

Paragraph Prayer #4 : A Prayer of Agreement for Finances

“Again I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 18:19

Paragraph Prayer # 4 for Uganda in August (and Kenya in November)

Friends, this is unusual that I have almost “back-to-back” to Mission’s Trips! There will be 2 months in between my Uganda and Kenya trips. Arrive home from Uganda in September & depart for Kenya in November 2024. My heart is to “Make Disciple who Make Disciples…”

Today, I'm asking for prayer for finances, which is uncomfortable and a challenge to do because it's so easy to use prayer as a subtle and manipulative means of asking for finances. That is not what this email is for. However, finances and this ministry are inextricably linked, which is what propels me to ask you to pray with me about this. 

But to keep things right, this will be my only request for this matter. My faith is that once is enough. I'm including prayer for my trip to Kenya at the end of November, because that's coming soon, and is increasingly on my mind – in addition to my upcoming ministry to Uganda at the end of this August. Would you join me now (thank you)? 

Red for the blood of Jesus:

“Father, we understand the power of agreement in prayer, and we understand that these trips require finances. For that reason, we ask now – looking to You and not man – that You would bring in exactly what is needed for both of these trips, and let the result be major transformation of the Ugandans and Kenyans, in Jesus' name, amen.

Thank you so much!”

Uganda Missions: Training Village Pastors in Africa

“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa & Beyond!”


“Me being a Muslim, doesn’t stop me from learning about Jesus.” Uganda Radio Listener


Uganda Missions: “Paragraph Prayer” #2 from Pastor Brad Abley