Pastor Brad Abley: Biblical Educator and Religious Broadcaster

Please join me in a Prayer of Agreement for 3 Evangelistic Outreaches!

Matthew 18: 19-20

Dear friends, 

I have a time-sensitive prayer request for you which I would be so blessed if you would agree with me on! The prayer requests are for three matters tomorrow Saturday morning and afternoon and Uganda is 7 hours ahead of the USA east coast time.

  1. Meeting with Muslim Clerics: The number of Muslims and Muslim clerics that want to meet with me have doubled! Originally it was 20 to 30 and now it's 70 tomorrow morning! They listen to my Radio Programs. Only God knows what will come of this meeting! Indoor church meeting.

  2. Evangelist preaching at a High School at 1:30 pm. Outdoor event. Message will be evangelistic and destiny setting and altering.

  3. Evangelist preaching at a College at 2:30 pm. Outdoor event. Message will be evangelistic and destiny setting and altering.

“But the problem is that there's an 80% chance of thunderstorms in the afternoon on Saturday. So, as the Ugandans say, I'm asking God to "chase away" the rain in both venues, since they are outside. Would you agree with me on these matters? Here's my prayer:

"Father we don't know what to expect with the Muslim meeting tomorrow but we pray for your kingdom to come and your will to be done, on earth as it is in heaven, that peace between Muslims and Christians will be established, and that souls would be saved ultimately from our loving and serving them. 

And then with the two schools we ask that you would chase away the rain until the end of the day and that you would bring a minimum of 300 responses to a salvation invitation -- and that the lives of these students would be forever transformed, for Your glory, in Jesus' name, amen!"

Thank you so much!”

Uganda Missions: Pastor Brad invites you to follow along with the "8-Days of Ministry in Uganda!" Click on the following links…  "Uganda Missions Trip August 2024" + Don't forget to subscribe to his YouTube Channel.

Uganda Missions: Making Disciples who Make Disciples

“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa & Beyond!”


Evangelistic School Outreach was “Rained Out!” Yet, 60 students showed up in the rain…. 30 accepted Christ!


Watch Pst Brad’s Uganda Ministry Videos via his YouTube Channel!