Do you feel Empty? Dry or Cracked?

Pastor Brad Abley: Biblical Educator and Religious Broadcaster

Pastor’s Corner - Jeremiah 2:4

"They went far from Me and walked after emptiness and became empty" (Jer. 2:4). Such is the plight of every human being, and it's a plight that cannot be changed or reversed apart from the Redeemer.

This Redeemer is Jesus; He came to redeem all who will receive Him from sin and its consequences. 

He did this for me 44 years ago, and by His grace, my life overall as been full -- full of His grace and truth.

Have you been redeemed from your sin by Jesus, the Redeemer? This is the message -- this is the meaning -- of Christmas.

You may be a Christian but feeling empty; perhaps it's because you pursue empty things, instead of the one who offers His fullness? It's the pursuit of Him that brings fullness of joy, as David wrote (Ps. 16:11).

I never tire of hearing testimonies of those who have been redeemed by Jesus -- and almost inevitably their testimony is that they were empty until they found eternal life in Him.

Does Jeremiah 2:4 describe you today? Are you empty? That can change in a moment with a sincere prayer, which I will offer to pray with you now: 

Lord Jesus, I have not lived my life for You; I've avoided You. But that stops now. Take my life, Lord Jesus, and live Your life in and through me -- and I will live for You and I will serve You all the days of my life.

Thank you Lord Jesus for forgiving me of my sin and giving me Your brand new life, your eternal life!

Pastor’s Corner

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