Helpful Reasons for Delayed Answers to Prayer
Pastor Brad Abley: Biblical Educator and Religious Broadcaster
Psalms 86:3
“Be gracious to me, Lord, For I call upon You all day long.
“In v.3b, we see the principle of persevering prayer in David’s life, and to be sure, perseverance in a time of trouble or great difficulty. David crying out to Yahweh as he did should remind us of Jesus’ teaching on prayer – especially our need for persevering prayer (Luke 18:1-8; Mt. 7:7-11).
[1] Daniel J Estes, Psalms 73-150, vol. 13B, The New American Commentary, ed., E. Ray Clendenen (Nashville: B&H publishing group, 2019), 144. Kindle.
What are we to make of delayed answers to prayer?
For one thing, patience and perseverance build character in us (cf. Rom. 5:2-5).
Secondly, delayed answers to prayer teach us to deepen our trust in God; if He answered immediately every time, it wouldn’t be long before we take those immediate answers for granted and show little or no gratitude.
A third reason for delayed answers to prayer is that time sifts our motives and desires. So often we look back and say, “Now I understand (and appreciate) why my prayers were not answered when I wanted – or even how I wanted.”
Fourth, we may not yet be ready for the prayer to be answered, and that can involve many reasons.
Fifth, it may be that the person or the situation we’re praying for isn’t ready, but through our perseverance, God works through our prayers to get the situation or person ready.
This reminds me of a very important period of our lives, all the way back in 1986. Maureen and I both sensed the Lord’s leading for me to attend seminary at Regent University in the Fall of 1987. I applied and was accepted, but key circumstances would not allow me to attend in the Fall of 1987. That was a real emotional setback for me because I was ready and excited to go!
At least I thought I was ready, but God had something better in mind for me, and that was for me to attend in the Fall of 1988 instead. And time would demonstrate that that apparent delay was God’s perfect providential timing.”
Brad Abley - August 1988. Attending Regent University: Master’s of Divinity program
To this day, I’m so grateful that He delayed our move to Virginia Beach for an entire year; out of that delay also came a valuable, life-long lesson in waiting on God patiently, humbly, and with trusting perseverance.
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