4.5 Million FM Radio listeners weekly!

KBS 105.9 FM Radio Kamuli - Uganda: Confirms 4.5 million listeners tune in every Friday night to hear the Muzingo (white man) preach the GOSPEL!!

KBS 105.9 FM Radio ~ Kamuli, Uganda

Pastor Brad is rejoicing at what God is doing via this weekly FM Radio broadcast in Kamuli, Uganda. October of 2022 will be Pst Brad’s 2 Year Anniversary of broadcasting weekly throughout the Kamuli region of Uganda!

Ministry: Isa 55:11 “The Word of GOD goes out and it doesn’t return back void.”

Every message preached includes a prayer time for listeners to, “Ask God for forgiveness of sins and accept Christ into your heart.” Also Pst Brad includes a time of praying for the needs of the listeners: healings, finances, family matters, deliverance from witch craft and so much more… The listeners respond by calling & letting us know what miracles have happened in their lives. God is indeed reaching, touching & changing the listeners.

Psalms 118:23 This is the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous to see.”

History: This FM Radio ministry started as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic! This forbid Pst Brad to traveling to Uganda twice per year to hold his Pastor’s Conference: Teaching & Training Pastors. One of the pastor’s that faithfully attended all of Pst Brad’s conferences said,

  • “We need to find a way for Pst Brad to still train the pastor’s of Kamuli.”

The pastor contacted the local FM Radio station asking to broadcast Pst Brad Abley’s messages. This pastor also assembled a team of pastors to interpret the messages while on the air and he even paid for the 1st 6 months of programs. We are thanking God his great favor that went before Pst Brad, opening this door for FM Radio broadcasting in Kamuli!

God caused the weekly Friday night program to flourish! Many people are tuning in the hear the Word of God preached! The program started with about 11,000 listeners per week. Now in July of 2022, the station confirms 4.5 million listeners are confirmed to be listening! Psalms118:23

Current: The radio station informs us, that Pst Brad’s program has now risen to be their #1 program at the station!! The station broadcasts 241 programs monthly, including the local and national news. In God’s providence and grace, He is using Pst Brad as an instrument to make the Word of God come alive to the listeners of Kamuli and beyond. Lives are being touched and changed weekly - for ETERNITY!!

Thank you: For your part in praying for this Radio Ministry! Thank you for praying for the listen’s hearts to open to receiving the Word of God and thank you for financially support this weekly program.

Donate Today: FM Radio Air-Time costs are $100 per program / $500 per month or $5,200 per year. Prayerfully consider joining Pst Brad’s FM Radio Team!

“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa & Beyond!”


Shortwave Radio Listeners Responds…


* Uganda Missions Trip Postponed! *