Shortwave Radio Listeners Responds…
Pastor Brad's Shortwave Radio programs are aired on Voice of Hope America/Latin America & Voice of Hope-Africa. A listener from Hinesville, Georgia sent a "reception report" to VOH-America. He listened to Brad's EASTER message!!
Pastor Brad’s Shortwave radio broadcast reach the following continents:
* North America /
South America /
Latin America /
Caribbean /
Africa /
* North America / South America / Latin America / Caribbean / Africa /
Here is what the Georgia listener wrote:
"The program was called A Heart After GOD with Brad Abley. The Show was titled Know your faith series with book of Luke part two. He reminds us we never want to rush through a passage. The word of GOD is valuable and very rewarding. A man or a woman was the topic of todays discussion. The verses he went over were about Martha and Mary when JESUS went in to their home. Martha was distracted with work that she thought would appease JESUS. The LORD said she was too worried and too bothered trying to look good to him. The LORD told Martha that she first needed to be with him first before she should worry about other things. She was liked her more than Martha. The moral of the story is that we must first look to the interests of the LORD instead of our own interests. To walk in peace is the secret of being in line with the faith of JESUS.
Sample QSL card from Zambia
A shortwave radio listener in Africa writes in to say he could he the program clearly.
QSL report for the listener in Hinseville, Georgia:
Reception Quality
Signal Strength:Excellent
Interference: Clear
Noise: None
Propagation: No fading
Overall rating: Excellent
Comments from Georgia: Your program was very good! You gave me good information that I found useful. I hope GOD blesses you and everyone that listens to your broadcast. "
What a joy it is to receive this report from a Shortwave listener, a couple hundred miles from our home in Virginia!
~ Pastor Brad
Here is the link to listen to Brad's Shortwave messages!
Podcast on Anchor link: Pastor Brad's Podcast on Anchor
Website link for: Voice Of Hope America
“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa & Beyond!”