Year End Ministry Report!

Here are The Results of Financial Partnership with Me in the Gospel

Dear friends and ministry partners,

I know it’s that time of year when people are looking to give special, year-end financial gifts. Naturally, I’m writing to ask you to consider my ministry:

“A Heart After God Bible Teaching Ministry.”

A ministry to take you deeper in the Word of God!

Teaching the Word of God in Africa & beyond.”

This letter also serves as a Year-End Report of sorts, even though I still have almost four more weeks of radio broadcasts to go. It just now occurred to me that 2020 – a COVID-19 year – has somehow been the most fruitful year of my entire ministry. Also, that this might be the most worthy, exciting ministry letter I’ve ever written!

The biggest news is: My Radio programs now air 16 times per month in Africa! Airing on two different radio stations.

Remarkably, radio reaches far more people than any other media on the continent of Africa!  Radio can be produced cheaply and reaches the remote and the disadvantaged faster. These radio signals continue to cross religious, political, social, racial, economic and social barriers for Christ.

Highlights from my areas of Ministry this year.                                  

In my February/March trip to Kamuli, Uganda at my week of Bible Training Conference, I preached in person to more people than ever – approximately 3,500 believers and unsaved people! Here’s the breakdown of ministry on this trip:

  • 2,500 College students

  • Radio broadcast Sunday morning: Salvations & Healings

  • 600 People at a Sunday church service (it only holds 400)

  • 400 Pastors and Church Leaders who attended the conference

  • 175 People at church responded to my salvation invitation

  • 200 Children dedication at church

  • 30 Salvations at a Prison

  • 168 Orphans - I visited, ministered to and fed

I was supposed to return to Kamuli in July to do all the same ministry, but because of COVID-19, I could not go. I was surprised at how deeply disappointed and even grieved I was!  

New, Bi-Weekly FM Radio Broadcast in Kamuli, Uganda!

I wasn’t able to return and minister in person, so God opened a door in September for me to have a weekly radio broadcast! An anonymous pastor I’ve been teaching, paid for me to have a weekly, half-hour FM broadcast on a secular station in Kamuli, Uganda! Now, in a sense, I’m there – every week! I never told anyone about my desire to have a radio ministry on this station; I prayed several times and asked the Lord and gave it over to Him. Here are some highlights from two months of the broadcasts:

  • On the fifth broadcast, the owner of the secular FM station got saved! He’s so impressed with the how well my broadcasts are being received locally, that he decided to air my broadcast twice per week!

  • A father and son were reconciled, and the father gave the son land that he had withheld from him.

  • Alcoholics have been saved and transformed.

  • Local Muslims have turned to faith in Jesus.

  • Listenership per broadcast has jumped from 7,500 to 11,500 – in a region where the FM station reach is only 75,000.

  • 100 people have been saved (that’s just those who have called in). 

Great News with Voice of Hope Africa Shortwave Radio! 

  • Voice of Hope Radio reaches the entire continent of Africa!

  • 4 years of weekly broadcasting on Voice of Hope Africa.

  • I sent a note of thanks to the CEO of Voice of Hope Africa for these past four years, he wrote back and said they’re so pleased with my ministry that they’ve decided to air my broadcast twice per week!  I’m now on prime-time Sunday mornings, and Tuesday evenings.

  • I’ve been preaching expository (verse-by-verse) messages, and evangelistically in every nation in Africa to build a Church which Africans describe as “a mile wide, and an inch deep.”

  • Teaching verse-by-verse with application and prayer

  • Muslims are getting saved in regions where there is no radio broadcast on FM or AM. My program is on Shortwave radio!

With the increase of my broadcasts being aired twice weekly at both radio stations, this now means my programs can be heard 16 times per month in Africa!

I’m now able to reach more African’s with the gospel weekly/monthly!

My Humanitarian Ministry to Orphans and Widows 

·       On my first trip to Bright Hope Open Orphanage in 2018, I witnessed an orphanage of 168 kids, 10 widows, and five staff which had nothing. It was embarrassing living in a rich nation like ours to see this.

·       The children met in a shack barely worthy of putting animals in. They had to go to fetch water two kilometers away, and were constantly beaten by Muslims, who also charged exorbitant prices for the water. I blurted out these words (to myself): “No more!”

With the help of some friends, the orphans now have:

  • A private water well, on their property

  • 3 brand-new buildings in which to meet

  • Desks, chairs, chalk boards

  • 2 full meals per day

  • Teachers gets paid regularly

  • Mosquito nets

  • A goat farm to produce milk, and to earn a profit when they sell the lambs.

 The Pastors want me to return in Jan/Feb 2021 for another week long Bible Conference; but Maureen and others thinks it’s too risky to go – that if a serious outbreak occurs and I get stuck in the country – it could be very expensive for me.

In addition, like the U.S., Uganda is also experiencing serious violence and political strife; their presidential election is January 14, and there are major rumblings about even more widespread violence -- before, during and after those elections in Uganda.

Hence; I will spend my time focusing on preparing and preaching 16 radio sermons per month. The Kamuli, Uganda station airs 8 new messages per month. Voice of Hope airs a completely different broadcast series!! Voice of Hope airs 8 times per month.

Isaiah 6:8 “Here I am, send me!”

Will you prayerfully consider making a Year End Gift or becoming a Monthly Partner with me in my teaching ministry to Africa and beyond?

I make my living by the gospel through the prayers and financial partnership of others!

Beloved, it is no stretch to say genuinely (before the Lord) that you truly are part of this ministry, for how could I go if you had not sent me? How could I continue the monthly radio broadcasts without your support? I hope you can “hear” my gratitude! Thank you.

Please know that Maureen and I pray faithfully for you (yet not enough!), and God knows how often we thank Him for you (yet never enough!).


Brad Abley

Here’s the link on how to give:

Visit my new Ministry website at:

A Heart After God Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa & Beyond!


FM Radio - Broadcasting from Kamuli, Uganda!


Announcing the release of new book! My Devotional Volume II.