FM Radio - Broadcasting from Kamuli, Uganda!
Exciting news! The owner of this FM Radio Station has given Brad a new 1 hour broadcast time slot, every Friday night 6 - 7 pm. Tonight is the first night!! Brad started a new series in the Book of 1 Peter.
Last October, the owner scheduled Brad with two 30 minute slots, Friday & Saturday nights. God blessed The Word as it was preached. 125 listeners prayed the Salvation prayer with Brad. Through the messages, many people received answers to prayers, healings, restoration in their families and financial needs were met. Thank you to all of the ministry partners that have prayed for this radio ministry since October! You played a big part in seeing listener’s prayers answered.
Also, from September till now, the two 30 minute broadcasts were aired from a remote branch of this radio station. Starting today, the 1 hour program will now air from the main FM Studio shown in this photo: KBS 105.9 FM Radio. Kamuli, Uganda.
Below is a video of Brad at KBS 105.9 FM Radio Station on his last trip to Kamuli. He’s ending his Sunday morning message by praying for healing for the listeners! This video is a sample of listening to the translating from English to Lusogo the local language!
Here is how the 1 hour program is broken down:
23 minutes for Brad to preach
23 minutes for the translator to preach
7 minutes for Brad to pray for the listeners
7 minutes for prayer translation
Time goes so fast when Brad speaks a few sentences, then waits for the translator to repeat it in Lusogo!!
Listening audience:
From what Brad is told, the broadcasts reach an radius of nearly 75,000 people, located in rural villages. Previously the 30 minute Friday night programs were confirming a listenership of 27,000 - 28,000 per broadcast!! We are believing for the listeners to increase, as they are taught the Word of God in 1 Peter.
We covet your prayers:
…For this very unique FM Radio ministry opportunity. Brad can’t “see or respond” to his listening audience; but God can “see and respond” to the listeners! We are believing God to draw in the listeners with open hearts to respond to the Gospel!
Family & Friends listening together!
In addition to broadcasting via FM Radio in Kamuli, Uganda, Brad is now in his 5th year of broadcasting via Shortwave Radio! Voice of Hope-Africa reaches the entire continent of Africa and Voice of Hope-Americas reaches 20 countries.
BLOG: “Now broadcasting in the “America’s” on Voice of Hope Radio”
A Heart After God Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa & Beyond!