Kenya: A special “Thank You” to our Partners!

Includes a very special Kenyan video "Thank You" to our Partners!

Mission Accomplished! /

Thank you for sending us to Kenya! /

Thanks so much for your Prayer Support! /

Mission Accomplished! / Thank you for sending us to Kenya! / Thanks so much for your Prayer Support! /

Thank you for your partnership in prayer and in financial donations. Because of your partnership, God has answered my heart cry as written in Isaiah!

Isaiah 6:8 “Here I am, send me, use me!” …

  • He called me

  • He sent me

  • He used me

    Thank you Father, for fulling this verse in my life and Wesley’s life during the Kenya Mission’s Trip!

** VIDEO: Thank you from the Pastors in Siaya, Kenya!

While all of Africa continues to grow rapidly in the Christian faith, the same dilemma remains – almost none of the African village pastors has any access to biblical training! Their need is great, the needs of their congregation is even greater.

My heart is burdened, that’s why I preach weekly on the radio, and it’s why I love to go and minister in-person in Africa as well!

Thank you for sending Wesley and me. The saints in Siaya, Kenya received us warmly in Christ. We ministered 15 days in Kenya to the young and to the oldest of old. The FATHER indeed poured out HIS spirit out on those who came to hear the Word of God!! Mission Accomplished!

“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa & Beyond!”


Kenya: Live Radio “Invitation to Accept Christ!”


The powerful story of a 14 yr old orphan girl named Sherry!