The powerful story of a 14 yr old orphan girl named Sherry!
Pastor Brad’s message for the day was titled “The Father Heart of God.” After the message, God showed His tender mercies to this little orphan girl in an incredible way. Thank you Jesus for making yourself very real to Sherry…
Jesus said, “And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name, receives me.”
Matthew 18:5
Pastor Brad shares Sherry’s testimony in his own words:
“At the end of yesterday's three-day pastor’s conference I was asked to pray for a 14 year old girl named Sherry in front of the entire crowd of 80 plus pastors, bishops and leaders.
I'm not sure why she was there, except that she came with her pastor and his wife.
I quickly asked the host pastor what her background was so I knew how to pray. He shared with me that she was born out of wedlock, rejected by her father, her mother, her grandmother and all relatives and had been an orphan and remains an orphan for many years. Because of this, she had no income she has been unable to attend school for several years.
So I began to pray for her; but I immediately had the thought that I should ask Wesley to join me. That we should both get our knees and each of us hold one hand and look up to her and tell her she is accepted, wanted, valued and loved by God the Father!
In fact I had just finished teaching on the Father heart of God through the Parable of the Prodigal Son, which of course she heard the entire message.
Testimony of an orphan girl!
Sherry was rejected by her father, her mother, her grandmother and all relatives and had been an orphan and remains an orphan for many years.
I'm not sure if any message I've ever preached has had such a deep impact on a congregation as this one, for pastors and leaders who had never seen God the Father in this way before).
Unbeknownst to Wesley and me, while we were tenderly caring for her and building her up and valuing her -- knowing that no man had ever spoken to her in this way or cared for her in this way --or imparted a sense of security to her in this way -- Pastor Paul said that even the African men were weeping.
That's something that is an unwritten rule in their society; no African men cry in public.
Moreover, Pastor Paul said the presence of God was so strong that women were dropping to their knees in tears, being so moved.
However, Wesley and I were oblivious to this; we were so focused on Sherry that we had no idea what was going on around us.
By the time we finished praying for her, her countenance had gone from deep shame to elation and her eyes had even brightened substantially.
Video* The tender mercies of God being lavished upon Sherry!
“A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling”
Psalms 68:5
In fact, Pastor Paul said something powerful lifted from her and she experienced incredible freedom. Wesley and i did witness that.
I also spoke into her that one day the Lord will raise her up and she will share her testimony of an encounter with God the Father and her great victory with multitudes throughout this nation.
I also pointed out to her that at that moment no 14-year-old girl in the world was receiving that kind of overflowing love and attention from the Father in front of so many people and that this was a powerful, direct and undeniable demonstration of His love for her. She smiled greatly at that point.
It was a stunning and the best possible culmination to a very in-depth and passionate, heartfelt teaching on the Father heart of God through perhaps the most popular parable of Jesus of all, in Luke 15.
I came here to minister to adults, but as so often happens, the greatest impact ends up being with young people or children.
But I could see clearly that by touching one young girl, entire churches were being impacted and that these Bishops and pastors and leaders would themselves never be the same -- nor would their congregations -- as they go back and carry the Father's Love for their own people.”
I certainly recognize that undergirding it all is the faithful prayers of so many -- along with the financial backing of my partners -- to get me here. Thank You!
And now, doors are opening so fast for me that I can't imagine being able to walk through all the open doors on my next trip back here, which Lord willing will be in July.
“On a Mission…”
“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa & Beyond!”