Pastor Brad Abley is celebrating a 7th year of Radio Broadcasting! It all began with Voice of Hope-Africa Shortwave Radio (reaching 75% of that continent)…

A word from Pastor Brad Abley

“I just want to reiterate the gratitude Maureen and I have for you to enable us to do this world wide Radio Ministry!'“

Only God knows the past, present, and future fruit of these broadcasts. We won’t know fully until we get to heaven. I think that’s partly what Apostle Paul meant when he spoke to the Church in Thessalonica of their ‘work of faith and labor of love’ (1 Thess. 1:3)
— Pastor Brad

Dear friends and prayer and financial partners,

I am most grateful to be “Celebrating a 7th year of radio broadcasting” the gospel, beginning with Voice of Hope-Africa (reaching 75% of that continent).

My focus has always been to deepen and strengthen the Church and to preach evangelistically to the unsaved. One of the great joys of my life is the multitudes of Muslims who have turned in faith to Jesus for eternal life, just as I was reading this morning in Acts 13:44-52.

Since this day in 2014, the broadcast has expanded to twice per week in Africa, and once per week on Voice of Hope Americas (South & North America). I preached on KBS FM Kamuli, Uganda for two years and have two new broadcasts -- twice on Saturdays from Richmond, VA on Wilkins Broadcasting Network -- and Saturday evenings on the FM station in Siaya, Kenya, where I began my ministry. See more info on all my broadcasts!

ShortWave Radio: Voice of Hope-Africa & America's /

WDZY 1290AM Richmond, VA /

KBS 105.9 FM Radio Kamuli, Uganda /

103.8 FM Siaya, Kenya /

GFN 90.1 FM Reaching the Turkana People, Kenya /

ShortWave Radio: Voice of Hope-Africa & America's / WDZY 1290AM Richmond, VA / KBS 105.9 FM Radio Kamuli, Uganda / 103.8 FM Siaya, Kenya / GFN 90.1 FM Reaching the Turkana People, Kenya /

The interesting back story of this is that I began to pray (not really understanding why) for a radio broadcast as far back as the late 1980's.

And I kept praying about this for nearly 35 years -- often asking God to just take away the desire if this prayer wasn't from Him -- because I thought my prayers were not being answered.

I don't know why it took so long. I probably just wasn't ready. But this is an example of the importance of persevering in prayer -- for anything.

Lastly, NONE of these things would have happened without the unbelievable support of my wife, Maureen -- and the prayers and financial partnership of friends and people I've had the privilege of pastoring over the years. THANK YOU.

“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa &Beyond!”


Riverbend Church Mission’s Festival 2022


Thank You from the Children of Ebenezer Children’s Home: Kenya