Excited FM Radio listeners are posting comments on Facebook!

“Radio is still the best way to reach the people of Africa with the GOSPEL!

What is changing is how people listen to radio!! Listeners are using mainly using battery operated radios and cell phones, which in many African countries come with a built-in FM receivers. People are also tuning into their favorite programs via Facebook, Twitter, podcast and other platforms.”

Each week, Radio Mikayi Makayi Kiloki - FM 103.8 Siaya-Kenya, creates a “Facebook post” about the Radio Preachers that will be on the air that day. Below are a few of the Facebook responses from those whom are listening to “A Heart After God - with Pastor Brad Abley.”

Facebook comment section from:

Radio Mikayi Makayi Kiloki

- FM Radio 103.8

Listener responses are translated below: from Lou to English

  • Menga Nyakwar - “We are listening together (with friends). Keep up with the program!”

  • Ann Nyargi - “Ann from Asembo Bay is listening. She is immersed in the program, not wanting to miss any part of it.

  • Makadamo Denis - “Hallelujah… Shalom.” Praying

  • Ochieng Odour - “I am joining from Kayole, Nairobi and am enjoying every bit of the programs.”


From Bungoma County (Siaya, Kenya)

“Tuned in - Following from.”

Kisii: Bonchari (Siaya)

Siaya Town

“It’s Time!”

Tune in to hear Pastor Brad Abley.

During Pastor Brad’s Saturday night radio broadcast, the interpreter gives out a local Pastor’s cell phone #. Listeners are encouraged to call when they have accepted Christ on the air with Pastor Brad, received an answered prayer or received a healing. Listeners are also directed to Pastor Brad’s website @ bradabley.com/connect “Let’s Connect” to give testimonies.

Social media has been a great way for the Kenyan radio listeners to get-to-know Pastor Brad via the website, Facebook, podcasts, Twitter, etc… Reaching Africa & Beyond has become a much smaller task, thanks to social media!

Please join us in prayer, for new listeners to tune in to hear the GOSPEL for their first time, to pray for salvations, healings, financial provisions, families to reconcile and more. Thanks for helping send the GOSPEL to Africa & Beyond!

“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa & Beyond!”


Just released: Part 2 & 3 - Book of Revelation Commentary & Study Series!


Listeners call the radio station: Siaya, Kenya