New FM Radio Series. “How to have a Mighty Foundation in Your Life!”

Pastor Brad Abley has started a new radio series to Disciple the FM Radio listeners of Kamuli, Uganda. Titled “How to have a Mighty Foundation.” Local Pastors are volunteering to follow-up with the Radio Callers. They will gather the people in groups to replay & translate each broadcast in the series. They will also have a question and answer time, followed by a prayer time.

Listen below to Pastor Brad teaching Part #1 of this new series! This is the English version. The program airs every Friday night on 105.9 KBS FM Radio, Kamuli. Hit the “download button” on the right, to be transferred to Pst Brad’s Podcast site to listen to this exciting new series!

Pst Brad is so thankful for this team of Pastors volunteering every Friday at the FM Radio station in Kamuli, Uganda! Some weeks, the Radio station receives over 125 calls from people listening to Pst Brad’s GOSPEL broadcast!!

The FM Radio station “105.9 KBS FM Radio” confirms 725,000 listeners tune in each week to hear the “Mzungu” White Man from America preach the GOSPEL!

We so appreciate your prayer support for this weekly ministry! Thank You!

Stories from Listeners!

The Word of God does not return back void! Salvation / Healing / Delivered from Alcohol

“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa &Beyond!”


Easter Message for FM Radio, Kamuli - Uganda


Testimonies from FM Radio Listeners!