Testimonies from FM Radio Listeners!

While at the Kamuli Radio Station, Pastor Joseph receives calls from people who are listening to Pst Brad’s weekly GOSPEL program! Lives are being touched and changed by hearing and receiving the Word of God!

Pastor Joseph and a team of pastors follow up with and visit those whom have called the radio station. One of Brad’s partners donates money to purchase radios for those whom can’t afford one! In this region of Uganda, most people don’t own a car nor a cell phone. Radio is their main form of communication. We are told the people gather in groups to listen to Brad’s GOSPEL broadcast. Neighborhood groups, families, friends or even at work.


#AcceptedChrist: Mr Nassa accepted Christ while listening in a neighborhood group. I thank God he joined Victory Christian Center Church with Bishop John in Buwudha.

#HealedFromKidneyCancer: This is the man who got healed from a kidney cancer 1 year ago... He received a radio 📻 yesterday and he tied the antenna with rubber bands, so that it may remain in one station and that's KBS 105.9 FM!!

#GaveUpAlcohol: No more drinking alcohol; only milk, soda and water. The man said, “Pastor, thank you for bringing Jesus to my attention! And the reason why I got saved is not to go to heaven only; but to do the will of God!”

Pastor Brad’s weekly FM Radio broadcast can be heard every Friday night in Kamuli, Uganda! FM Radio station “105.9 KBS FM Radio” confirms 725,000 listeners tune in each week to hear the “Mzungu” White Man from America preach the GOSPEL!

We thank God for the opportunity to broadcast the gospel via Radio in Africa. The GOSPEL is shared and God is being glorified. His Word does not return back void.

We are also so grateful to our partners that pray for this radio program every week. The GOSPEL is changing lives in Kamuli and the surrounding villages. Thank you for those who give financially monthly to help pay for the “Broadcast Air Time” and those whom donate so that Pastor Joseph can “purchase radios” for those whom can’t afford one.

“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa &Beyond!”


New FM Radio Series. “How to have a Mighty Foundation in Your Life!”


FM Radio caller: “I decided to bring my hopeless life into Jesus’s hands!”