How large is Africa anyways? ~Shortwave Radio

Pastor Brad Abley: Biblical Educator and Religious Broadcaster

Shortwave Radio - Africa

Reaching 75% of the continent of Africa via Shortwave radio!!

Pastor Brad’s Radio Programs

Air 3 times weekly:

Reaching over 3 million

listeners each week

The Continent of Africa land mass is 30.2 million square kilometers! It is the second largest continent in the world, behind ASIA. Africa is larger than the United States, China, India, Eastern Europe and many other countries combined! Africa’s land mass covers 20.4 percent of the earth’s total land area! The population on the continent of Africa is approximately 1 billion people.

Imagine this, Africa could fit the following countries within it’s borders:

  • China

  • United States

  • Portugal

  • Spain

  • Belgium & Netherlands

  • France

  • Germany

  • Switzerland

  • Italy

  • Eastern Europe

  • India

  • Japan

  • United Kingdom

About Voice of Hope-Africa Radio Ministry

“Radio remains the best way to communicate the Gospel message to the people of Africa.” Voice of Hope-Africa Radio

Voice of Hope-Africa broadcasts via shortwave to 75% of the continent of Africa! Remarkably, shortwave radio reaches far more people than any other media on the continent. This is an incredibly large mission’s field.

Did you know Radio air waves transcend…

  • Political barriers

  • Government restrictions

  • Religious barriers

  • Cultural opposition

  • Geographical barriers: deserts, mountains, jungles, islands…

For more about this Shortwave Radio Ministry

Listen to Shortwave Radio programs via MP3 files

Shortwave Radio Reaching Africa

“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa &Beyond!”


“Thank you for inviting the Muzungu (White man) on the radio in Kamuli, Uganda”


Your donations are making a difference! Word Academy School: Siaya, Kenya