Your donations are making a difference! Word Academy School: Siaya, Kenya

African Word Ministries &

Word Academy School say

Thank You for your partnership!!


Pastor Brad Abley’s December 2024 Mission Trip to Kenya is having a lasting impact!

While Pst Brad’s was engaged in “10 Days of Ministry” in Nairobi and in Siaya, Kenya to Pastors and Church Leaders, his partners donated funds to have the following items built! Pst Brad’s Ministry Partner - Pst Paul Ochieng, the Director of African Word Ministries knew exactly how to use the donation! The school is growing & needed more desks!

These items were built for Word Academy School!

  • 10 Desks

  • 10 Tables

  • 10 Chairs

  • 10 Benches

  • 20 Lockers

Pst Paul Ochieng of Siaya, Kenya directs:

Word Academy School, Ebenezer Children’s Home & Word Christian Center Church.

He gives a “Big Thanks” to the one who gave the money for this important school project! Also he thanks all of Pst Brad’s faithful partners whom send Pst Brad on these trips to minister in Kenya!

Pst Brad partners with MissionNow.Org a 501(c)3 ministry. Their Ministry Focus is raising awareness of the needs for Word Academy School and Ebenezer Children’s Home-Orphanage in Siaya, Kenya.

Click the button to donate to the School or the Orphanage!

Thank you for you partnership in helping provide for those less fortunate!

“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa & Beyond!”


How large is Africa anyways? ~Shortwave Radio


Applying Scripture by Praying Scripture