Kenya: From Trauma to Healing! A radio listener’s story.

Romans 15:4 “For whatever was written in earlier times was written for our instruction, so that through perseverance and the encouragement of the scriptures we might have hope.”


Alice listens to Pastor Brad Abley’s program, A Heart After God weekly GOSPEL Radio Broadcast on “Radio Mikayi’ 103.8 FM Radio in Siaya, Kenya!

This is her story of how GOD transformed her life:

From Trauma to Healing!

“A woman named Alice called in to the radio program to let us know that for years she has suffered from severe family trauma as a child; her father used to beat her and her siblings so mercilessly that her mother couldn't take it any longer and hung herself! Alice was the first of the children to see her mother, Alice was only 12 or 13 at the time.

Then, for reasons I don't know, the Village beat her father to death sometime later and once again, Alice was the first to see her dead father.

Alice is now grown and has four children of her own; but has suffered the effects of this trauma since her childhood years. She listened to one of Pst Brad’s broadcasts on the Gospel of John and apparently, in this broadcast Pst Brad was talking about the importance of “Praying scripture to change one's life. She took the message seriously and started to pray scripture over her life and noticed changes in her.

However, she was hesitant and wanted to give time to see if this really would work. So she prayed scripture every day over herself for a month and she said that the trauma is gone and she is completely free from those horrifying memories! Thank You Jesus!”

From Trauma to Healing… the Word of God changes lives!

“Applying Scripture by Praying Scripture…”

Click button for: Pastor Brad’s teaching on Praying Scriptures:

Thank you for supporting Pst Brad’s FM Radio Ministry in Kenya! Your Prayers & Financial are making a difference!

Thank you for your Partnership in the Gospel!

“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa & Beyond!”


Kenya: FM Radio Listener Testimonies


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