Kenya Mission’s: A look back at some “Times of Ministry” via video
Pastor Brad is delighted to share that several of the key moments of his Mission’s Trip were captured on video!
Experience times of worship, times of teaching with an interpreter, times of Pst Brad giving an invitation to accept Christ, teaching times with the Orphans and so much more.
It’s true, “A picture is worth a 1,000 words! But, may I add, a video is worth 10,000 words!! A video brings you one step closer to feeling like you were at the event…
Lean in and watch God at work in so many different venues!
"For from Him, and through Him, and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen” /
Revelation 11:36 /
"For from Him, and through Him, and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen” / Revelation 11:36 /
Thank you for your Partnership in the GOSPEL!
Thank you once again for sending me and for praying for my Mission’s Trip to Kenya in July/August. A big thank you also for sending me with your PRAYER support! The other day, I felt led to study Philippians once again. As I read through Phil. 1:1-7, I knew those were the words I wanted to share with you; they express my sentiments and how I feel about your partnership with me in the gospel.
Apostle Paul uses the words “participation” (v.5) and “partakers” (v.7). Both come from koinonia – such an important word in the New Testament -- and used very often by Paul. Koinonia is a sharing in a common interest – that of “the gospel” (v.5).
But there’s much more to koinonia: it’s also the setting aside of private interests and desires, and the joining in with another or others, for common purposes (as we’ll see from Phil. 2:5-11, this is precisely what Jesus did).
Moreover, it’s a close, mutual relationship. The noun refers to a contribution, or a gift. It involves being liberal or generous. In fact, koinonia is used in several places in the NT to speak of sharing possessions or finances (Phil. 4:15-16; Rom. 12:13; 15:26; cf. 2 Cor. 8:4; 9:13; 1 Tim. 6:18).
Thank you again for your partnership! God answered so many prayers on this trip. Worthy is the Lamb of God to receive all glory, honor and praise for the fruitfulness of this Kenya Mission’s Trip!!
Pastor Brad compiled 25+ short video clips and placed them on his YouTube page! “Times of Ministry Highlights” via video.
Click on the link below to see the Playlist.
“Kenya Mission’s Trip Playlist: Jul/Aug 2023.”
Click for the link to the Playlist on Youtube!
For more information on Pastor Brad’s Jul/Aug 2023 trip see blog post: "Thank You for your Partnership in the Gospel!"
* Together we are reaching Kenya for Christ in so many ways!
“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa & Beyond!”