Kenya: God’s miracle -A little boy named Brad!

“What an honor to have a little boy in my namesake!”

Pastor Brad Abley

God answered this Mother's prayers! /

God's little Miracle baby /

A little boy named Brad /

God answered this Mother's prayers! / God's little Miracle baby / A little boy named Brad /

Video is from a previous Siaya, KENYA Mission's Trip in year August 2015!!

This is when I first met the baby named "Brad!"

Story Recap:

The mother of this handsome boy was in grave danger during her pregnancy. I prayed for her healing and for a safe delivery of her baby! She was healed and safely delivered her little boy. She decided to name her son after me! This is an important honor in Africa, to name your child after someone whom had a Godly influence in their lives.

Meet little Brad today! Photo below was taken on March 15, 2023, Brad is growing up!

God bless you little Brad.

  • A mother’s faith

  • Answered Prayer

  • Prayer of Agreement

  • Ask the Elders of the Church to lay hands on & pray

  • Faith

It's always a joy to partner with the Lord. I've learned (and am continuing to learn) to "show up" and be ready to follow His leading. Whether it's something like this, or a simple word of encouragement to someone, it's all important to Him!

I must add one more thing: I'm sitting here with this thought: People -- friends, ministry partners -- sent me to do this work.

Things like this never would have happened without a team of people supporting me. I thank God for enabling me never to take them for granted...

Thank You friends, ministry partners & prayer teams!

Little Brad at 8 years old! Photo taken March 2023.

“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa & Beyond!”


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