Kenya: Testimonies keep coming in!…
Isaiah 55:11 “So will My word be which goes out of My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the purpose for which I sent it.”
We are rejoicing in all of what God did on the Kenya Mission’s Trip! The local Siaya, Kenya Bishops and Pastors are confirming that God’s WORD went out and accomplished much! The trip concluded two weeks ago; yet the testimonies keep coming in!!
From Pastor Brad: With a grateful heart we say thank you everyone who prayed for our mission’s trip! Some how the words “Thank you” doesn’t seem enough to express my deepest gratitude to you for your partnership with me, financially and/or in prayer. I just have to trust the Holy Spirit to impart my joy to you and for you because of all you’ve enabled me to do on this latest ministry trip to Kenya!”
Below are testimonies Pastor Brad received this week!
Lucy, a powerful worship leader, had a profound encounter with a Father Heart of God!
Her own father died when she was about three and for whatever reason she and her mother and siblings were rejected by the family and were out on their own and life was extremely hard for her.
She struggled with resenting God for allowing her father to die. But when she heard my teaching on the father heart of God she immediately began to start calling him Abba Father and she would do that each night when she went to bed and now she feels the love of the father so strongly!
A 70-year-old Bishop said that when he heard my teaching on the Father Heart of God it was as if God took a hard Stony heart out of him and gave him a brand new heart.
He has gone back to his church it changed man, full of the love of God the Father for the people and now their lives are being changed and transformed dramatically. Even his relationship with God has changed as well as how he sees others.
A man named Pastor Alex told Pastor Paul that no one had ever taught him about “How to Pray Scripture” and he was so moved and impacted on praying scripture that he went back home and immediately launched into doing this.
It has changed him dramatically and now he's teaching it to the 15 churches that he is over and he said that their churches or those churches are being changed substantially as well.
An Orphan girl named Sherry:
Photos of Sherry in her new school uniform!! Her tuition and her uniforms were paid for by an offering that was taken up during the meeting when Pastor Brad & Wesley ministered to her!
A short summary of how God ministered to Sherry!
Pastor Brad was asked to pray for a 14 year old girl named Sherry in front of the entire crowd of 80 plus pastors, bishops and leaders. I'm not sure why she was there, except that she came with her pastor and his wife.
Pastor Brad quickly asked the host pastor what her background was so I knew how to pray. He shared with me that she was born out of wedlock, rejected by her father, her mother, her grandmother and all relatives and had been an orphan and remains an orphan for many years. Because of this, she had no income she has been unable to attend school for several years.
In fact I had just finished teaching on the Father Heart of God through the Parable of the Prodigal Son, which of course she heard the entire message…
For the complete story, including a video of Sherry see previous blog post:
“The powerful story of a 14 yr old orphan girl named Sherry!”
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