Kenya Missions: Rally at Anglican Girl's School!

The Bishop of an Anglican Girl’s School invited Pastor Brad Abley to speak at a School Rally! What an honor it was to speak to these girls, Pst Brad preached on “How to be a Psalm 1 Man or Woman,” to 1,000 teenage girls ages 16- 20 at their school.

“It was an incredible morning at the School Rally!”

Their service was just amazing, but what was even more amazing is that my best conservative estimate is that 300 of the girls responded to a salvation invitation at the end of the message!

It could have been as many as 400, but I just want to be careful with my estimate. Hands were going up so fast it was impossible to try and count them all.

And even the administration loved the message and many of them asked how soon I can come back. I assured them I will be back!

And then as we we were trying to leave, I innocently high fived a few of the girls and before I knew it it was like the whole student body wanted to high five.

And then we stopped for a moment and a handful of girls wanted to take a picture with me, but before I knew it I was being crushed by dozens of girls wanting pictures!

Your partnership is truly making an eternal impact!

Friends, Pst Brad gives his most sincere “Thank You” to you, his friends and partners that help make Mission’s Trips like this possible. The experience of reaching these young girls for Christ was an incredible! There must have been so much joy in Heaven when these girls accepted Christ into their hearts. Your partnership is leaving a legacy in Siaya, Kenya.

Thanks so much for sending the GOSPEL to Kenya !

“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa & Beyond!”


Kenya Missions: Water Tank was donated to the Orphanage


Kenya Missions: Prayer Rally Keynote Speaker