Kenya Missions: Prayer Rally Keynote Speaker
Keynote speaker: Pastor Brad Abley taught from Mark 10:13-17 - Jesus Blesses Little Children
“13 And they were bringing children to Him so that He would touch them; but the disciples rebuked them…”
A note from Pastor Brad:
“I was asked to speak at what they call a Prayer Crusade today, consisting of what I estimate to be 300 to 400 people from various churches, as far as an hour away.
At the end of my time of ministry, 30 people responded to my salvation invitation. They were probably invited and also came out of curiosity.
This prayer crusade was in Kisumu, one of Kenya's largest cities, about an hour from where I stay. The focus was prayer for the nation and revival for the church.
I was surprised that I felt led to preach from Mark 10:13-16 about the importance of children to God, and I exhorted the pastors and leaders of the churches to make ministry to their children a strong priority, as well as children outside of the church.
The lesson from Jesus' disciples reveals how easy it is for adults to push children in the background and not take them seriously.
I shared my conviction that if God wants to bring revival to Kenya, he just might choose to do so through the children of the nation ( which might be a consideration for the United States).
Once I finished, I led intense prayer for the children of the nation and we concluded.
Something was ignited in the hearts of everyone that heard the message! Afterwards, I sang over everyone at the Prayer Rally from, a song from the Father out of Jeremiah 31:3, it was very moving.”
Meet little Felix!
Felix was Orphaned and brought to Ebenezer Children’s Home at the age of 4 years old.
Video below is a clip from the Prayer Rally:
“Give me something that I can say that will make a difference is his life!”
Pastor Brad is sharing a testimony of him getting to know an Orphan boy named Felix. Pst Brad had prayed and asked God what to say, so that Pastor Brad could make an impact on 12 year old Fellix! Pastor Brad prayed, “Give me something that I can say that will make a difference is his life!”
Pastor Brad speaking at a Prayer Rally
Friends, your prayers for my KENYA MISSIONS’S TRIP are helping reach the hearts of many Kenyans. God is at work in so many ways. Thank you for partnering in PRAYER to reach the people of Siaya Town and beyond!