Kenya: The children didn’t understand Pst Brad’s Sermon; but they knew his heart!
Pastor Brad Abley: Biblical Educator and Radio Broadcaster
Kenya Missions: Nov 20 -Dec 3, 2024
Jesus loves the little children!
Nairobi, Kenya:
After the Sunday Chapel Service & Ordination of 5 Federal Chaplains we had lunch.
Pastor Brad shares a sweet moment he had with the children!
“This little girl kept coming up to me throughout much of the morning, and so did her sister. I asked her parents if I could borrow her for a year or so, and they laughed with much joy.♡
The children didn’t understand my Sermon; but they knew my heart!”
• We invite you to follow along with Pst Brad’s
Nov 20 - Dec 3, 2024 Mission’s Trip
"9-Days of Kenya in-country Ministry!" -"Kenya Missions Trip Nov/Dec 2024"
Kenya Missions
“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa & Beyond!”