Kenya: Two Girls abandoned, then rescued by an Orphanage!

“These little ones were dumped in the bush two weeks ago and blindfolded…”

Pastor Brad Abley just arrived in Siaya, Kenya for his Mission’s Trip! He stays at a guest house next to Ebenezer Children’s Home Orphanage. Today he was told a horrific story of abandonment that happened just two weeks ago…

Pastor Brad shares “Their Story!”

“So this is part of my experience when I come here to Siaya to minister; we were sitting at lunch and Pastor Paul Ochieng shared with me the story of these two precious girls -- whom he and his wife, Vivian named Maggie and Vivian.

These little ones were dumped in the bush two weeks ago and blindfolded! Somehow, a woman heard their cries and took them to the police station, who in turn brought them to a government agency that's supposed to take care of children -- but really doesn't do much for them.

Then from there they were brought to a female judge, who when she heard the story, broke down in tears and immediately said the word "Ebenezer!" -- meaning that she knew these girls should be sent to Ebenezer Children's Home, where they could be cared for.

One was seriously ill; if I showed you the picture of her from when they got her, you would recoil. I did; it was too hard to look at.

But now in just two weeks these girls are adjusting well and I was glad to take a picture with them.”

The name Ebenezer means “Stone of Help!

“Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, saying, “Thus far the LORD has helped us.” 

1 Samuel 7:12

Pastor Brad partners with a ministry that directly supports the Orphans at Ebenezer Children’s Home: Siaya, Kenya. This ministry is called “ located in Los Angeles, California. Mission Now is a 501(c)3 IRS approved ministry. The ministry was founded by a Kenyan woman whom used to serve as the manager of the Children’s Home. She married an American and moved to California. Click the button to learn how to get involved in supporting the children of Ebenezer Children’s Home! Thank you.

Thanks so much for praying for the Orphans at Ebenezer

“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa & Beyond!”


Kenya: An Orphan’s perspective, its the simple things!


Returning to Kenya July 2023: Breaking ground on new ministry opportunities!