Kenya: An Orphan’s perspective, its the simple things!

The Orphans received simple treats of cookies and orange soda!…

Ebenezer Children’s Home: Siaya Kenya

Partners provided the SIMPLE TREATS for the Orphans…


Pastor Brad shares:

“These pictures are from my second day in Siaya, when these special ones received simple treats of cookies and orange soda. I stay at the guest house, which is next door to Ebenezer Children's Home.

I found out that this is a rare thing and I was amazed at how excited they were to receive these simple treats.

It sure brings perspective, doesn't it?”

Sharing the Love of God in a very SIMPLE way!

Thanks so much for praying for the Orphans at Ebenezer

“A Heart After God, Bible Teaching Ministry: Reaching Africa & Beyond!”


Kenya: Day One- Sunday Sermon Live Radio Broadcast


Kenya: Two Girls abandoned, then rescued by an Orphanage!